Paukwa?- Pakawa!, Sahani?- Ya Mchele!, Kiboko?- Cha mtoto Mkorofi!!!

That dick must’ve been hurting like crazy after being hard for that long.

Na hii tabia ikome, we are being kept in suspense for too long by folks who never come back to finish their Hekayas.

nice read endelea @Ka-Buda. am so idle in the office

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:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Eti well, yaani kisima? Cha giningi ama kipi? :D:D:D:D

I was once a mbotch too, and I can relate, though from another perspective altogether.

And how many young men did you deflower?

He he, sema kujimulika. Tunajua mboches humangwa na every male in the house from the sons to the dad’s. Can you answer @nairobilay and also tell us how many ‘men of the house’ you serviced .

I didnt mean that @Mathice and @nairobilay.

I will put a complete listing when I get enough courage.

I didnt mean that @Mathice and @nairobilay.

I will put a complete listing when I get enough courage.

My hekayas are all Real life experiences that i have gone through. I`m sure there are people who relate and have even more interesting life experiences and i wish they would share them.

I see what you were trying to do there…hehehehehehhheee…

@kabuda… u were still a virgo past Std8? …kwani huku “hura mbiro” in Dec of Std 8?

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say whar…o_Oo_O

is it an art?

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yes this high class art…:slight_smile:


Food for thought: what about those tuboys getting their first ferk from the mboch nowadays? Aren’t they at risk of contracting STIs? For that reason alone, I won’t employ mboches after my son reaches a certain age.

a boy and breaking his virginity is like an avalanche, you may want to prevent it going downhill but it still will. Uki-banish mboch kwako utam-banish na wa akina rafiki yake Jeff?

Na ukimpeleka kwa nyanyake? Ataepukana na mboch lakini he will have to work hard to convince the village whore to give it up. He will learn that puthy is never for free,a most important lesson. A lesson most learnt only after getting to college.

You must look for a means to delay the process. Having a mbochi will make it easy.

No. I actually did the Maasai customary circumcission and that was not on the menu. My Guka is Maasai.

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