Africa will remain 3rd World for the next 10,000 years if rule of law doesn't prevail

Africa will remain in this state or slide into further poverty if the baboons living here choose to apply laws selectively. Africans were the rejects of creation or evolution or whatever. You know that someone has broken the law but you can’t convict him. In the US there was the ENRON Scandal people were convicted and Jailed same with Chickengate scandal in the UK, but here in Kenya the judges are Monkeys with Law Degrees, Policemen are Chimps with guns and the citizens are gorillas infected with Mtu Wetu Virus.

True. But you know what, change starts with you.
Do the right thing, the rest will fall in place… Remember the Murang’a guy who ‘excavated’ a road for the villagers?

The Whites are so stupid for jailing corrupt people .They should just let them be just like we do .


Of course they are chimps and baboons for now, but if you were to get a seat at the table your narrative will change. Jealous motherfaka

yes he outdid his MCA (who earns at the end of every month)and should see through to such ‘small’ projects…He used common sense.

It is true…I know of leaders who are only seen by voters during the campaign period…very unfortunate that we always vote them back to office

“mtu wetu” syndrome is why Africa is doomed to mediocrity

We are a cursed race. The story of Noah’s sons is totally true and applies to how we behave as a people.

We could easily have done a “China” before China.
Around the 1960s all African countries should have become one country and then taken advantage of the cold war. We should have started globalisation and with terms that favoured us. The stick would have been that if we weren’t going to get favourable trading terms with the west, we become a communist bloc.

We would be the largest poorest nation on the globe.

Not if we had became a factory to the world.