Any explanation to this billboard villagers


Guts. And good money… They are fighting sponsors and toyboys.

The tone is a bit off!’s seems it’s directed to that the older men/sponsors, but it also gives an indirect message to Fathers… This can have someone murdered!!!

Upuss bora ni over 18 hakuna noma inspekta!

As a sponsor and a father of many I dont approve of the message

Inakuuma juu pia daughter wako anaweza kamuliwa na sponyo siku moja?
Then you’re getting the message right. Wacha na wasichana wadogo!

As a father to a teenager girl and soon to be teenager girl I know this depends on you both as parents to your kids and I’m grateful we have learnt from 1st lady extended family experience. We have a WhatsApp group for both families and usually its to track our kids progress in life, milestones and school. Now for those in this urban towns, cities we know how many of our nephews, nieces and cousins of teenage years are within. So every weekend we make sure especially those in campus/college hostels are not broke or idle. First they must come over for the weekend at home to spend with us or join us when we go out for a family fun day. People offer to host them in a rotational schedule. They stay over with their cousins, cook, sleep over and have fun. We then do a fundraising of between 100-500 each from parents to help with all our teenager’s needs. This is for those that don’t have money and its only voluntary to send. That means at least 2000 for each. You will be surprised this teenage girls give in to sponsors just for simple things like airtime, cloths, salon, boredom, need to go out or food. This thing has worked so well the girls and boys are doing well in school, kept good behaviour and brings the extended families together. Hakuna mtoto wetu atabaki lonely, broke and unappreciated to fall for sponsors easily.

Very true. It really just comes down to economics. With economic empowerment, the sponsor lifestyle will be diminished.

You retarded or what? What an 18 year old decides to do is non of your business not unless if you are just a busybody. It ain’t illegal or immoral if you think about it.

Money alone ain’t the issue here…culture, morals and character plays a major role in teenagers. At 20 she may have a liking for older people or become an extreme BDSM fanatic, or even a lesbian. We need to mold our younger generation beyond money.

I partly agree with the initiative you guys have taken and I must say it has solved a good % of the cause for this epidermic, however most of the teenagers especially the girls cave in to peer pressure purely for adventure and to fit in. I know of a couple of girls from vvv well off families who cannot stay away from sponyos as they get the wild adventures that a family/ extended family cannot give. It all boils down to the kid and how well she can resist the temptation to go with flow. We also have kids from poor background who would never engage in this sponyo crap.

It’s always funny until it’s your 20 y.o. daughter with a 50 y.o. mzee.

All good for you and your families. You have the wherewithal to do all that.

Question is,how many can afford to do this?
You and your families are in the smallest minority…

Hizo Mia tano will not save them from social media pressure.
The 1k here 2k there might ward off small time boys but the real test will be the temptation to keep off the real blessers. When they see their friends being taken to Dubai or SA and driving benzes,hapo ndio kibarua itakua and only character and instilled values will save them.

Children brought up by proactive and loving families do have good morals and are happy. Most of the reason why most teenagers and young adults are spoiled is because their parents were to busy or nonexistent to the lives at most stages. Most think its the schools to teach your kids about lives and behaviors. My kids get both the most love and discipline at home not anywhere else. I’m fully involved in their lives and by extension all my extended family members.

Yes their is peer pressure but its easily dealt with if you make sure you provide the right passions to them to concentrate their free time and efforts on. Be it sports, arts, culture etc. Give them a drive at this period that shapes them positively.

For my nieces, nephews and cousins, I make sure at least one month I take them to those places the Instagram generation likes. Just lunch, they then take all pictures they want to post later and realize they don’t have to give their innocence to vultures to experience the same. When I realized my nephew drinks, nilimwonyesha how and kept him close. He calls me more than 1st lady. The nieces are experimenting drinking wine with their aunty. Basically they can concentrate in school with no worries. Not cloths, salon, learning materials and food. Weekend comes they are happy they know this time they are this sides of Nairobi having fun there with the folks those side. Next week the other end etc. We guide them. Our decision is that they will be free to be on their own after 25 years. After campus and working by then. By then all our collective efforts must have worked.