
Hey talkers … I have jst read somewhere that you can accurately analyze someone’s personality based on his/her astrological zodiac sign & that statistics has it that a big percentage of American’s
believe in astrology…so to those of you who are conversant with astrology is it really spot on when it comes to character assessment???

bull shit hauna job u work and work till u die

@vuja de leta ile pic ya Sheldon Cooper

Seems to me you have nothing between your ears simpleton

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Mmmh! quite comprehensive

Yeah for me so far I can say astrology works with regards to my traits

Now on top of believing local superstitions like the one Meria Mata has posted, you now also want to believe foreign superstitions?

you are not forced to believe it is just a matter of giving your opinion. If you don’t believe it is ok and I respect that but also respect my view

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:aquarius: of the 2nd Decan. I’m not a believer though! For Entertainment purposes only…If you like this sorts of stuff maybe you should try and learn as much as you can about the Dendera Zodiac and how the Egyptians designed it at Hathors Temple in Dendera, Egypt to accurately map the Past, The Present and the Future based on their advanced knowledge of Celestia. To me Western Astrology is a sham, The Egyptian Dendera Zodiac is more detailed! if you can learn to appreciate by your own voliton what they were trying to do with it, the better. It is said it took them over 400 years of observations to design it and the attention to detail is admirable… Western Astrology is Stolen Lost Black Afrikan Egyptian Knowledge with many general conclusions that applies to a general populace. For the record, siamini…

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Do you know Ronald Regan ruled America based on what the stars told him?

Yes I am aware. It’s the reason he avoided an assasination attempt in 1981. America Loved him a lot in the eightees. He was brilliant! An Economist by Profession,Captain of the US Army Forces, A Distinguished Hollywood Actor, College Football Player, College Race Track Athlete, College Official Swimming Team. And Finally as President Of the USA…After his famous Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” speech, The Berlin Wall and Former Soviet Union Tumbled during his Administration. He had a very artistic signature and very good handwriting…The Most Talented, and Gifted President in US History!! FULL STOP…

NB:[/B] I was Born During his Administration

Really now? And what would people say of Abraham Lincoln if Reagan according to you was gifted?