Blood Group O Negative. Question.

One being O-, does that translate RH negative, or one can be O- and be RH+ ? Asking for a friend, and thanks in advance.
Cc: @Luther12 .

Isnt the Rh the very thing that determines if you are - /+?

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Jst ngungu,wht hard there (nikii kiritu hau)

The -ve or +ve here refers to absence or presence of Rh antigen.

Trust me, nime ngungu yangu yote, maybe am missing this point.

So having a -ve blood type translates to Rh -.


Conservatively, in .ke, lets narrow ot down to county level or ward level, out pf every 10 people, how mny will have a -ve blopd type ?

Troll detected… …0% omeras

Those figures hatuna. I doubt if they exist anywhere here. Perhaps tupate mtu wa lab atujuze zaidi.


There’s some mischief in your post… …especially when you mentioned county and ward

where is all this leading to 0%omera?

Hii ni rhesus monkey,blaly fagin siet

Maybe you’ll need to visit hospitals and get the record of births, as am sure the blood group is recorded at birth.

Fujo ni ya nini kizee.


they don’t? I thought when a child is born they “measure” the blood of parents as well as that of the child?

The proper name is O Rhesus Negative.
O defines your blood type (A, B or O)
Rhesus is a protein (that derives from the Rhesus monkeys!!) which you either have or not ( positive or negative)
To answer your question: O negative ir not the same as O positive. One has the rhesus protein, the other doesn’t.

So what is the advantage and disadvantage of either

Blood type grouping can be used as a poor man’s DNA test. For instance, if dad is O+ and mum is A+ their child cannot have blood group AB or B.
Rhesus status becomes significant when mum is Rh- while the dad is Rh+ due to crossover of antigens from child to mother’s bloodstream at birth. Mom’s immune system then responds by developing antibodies so subsequent children either self abort or die shortly after birth. Before the advent of rhesus injection, a Rhesus negative mother with a Rhesus positive husband would have one child only; subsequent kids would die. It happened to my great grandmother until they figured out the husband’s brother could give her healthy children.