
Ata kama ni clit


Non faccio clic

:D:D this is how men lie and try to convince the lie with another lie. Ati he had semen in his hands and that’s how it was found in her :D:D:D I can’t

Please Wanjiku understand us. We are from Mars, the red planet.

The best one heard: A man was suing Kim Kardashian because she threw her panty at him while she was being ploughed at a parking lot and he contracted some STD’s…

At a swimming pool, where both guys and ladies were swimming, several ladies got pregnant due to some ejaculates in the swimming pool water.

tuliza nyege wewe


He he he!
Have you ever heard of Palmella?
What about Arimis?
Join the dots…

That’s true but in this case she was fully clothed sleeping on the sofa .He even admits to getting a boner and the girl waking up with her on him

Goes to show how money is respected world over!
Hata afathali angesema alikuwa ana sleep walk or he has some mental disorder which causes amnesia or something more believable.
Yeye lazima akue very accurate kama anaweza trip na a land ndaani ndaaaaani kabisa :D:D:D

There was another one in the US who actually pleaded and found guilty of raping his 3 year but the judge sentenced him for probation coz “the accused couldn’t fair well in jail”
