communications Authority

Earlier on the paper we had some news that very soon no more of our communications would be private again following a regulation that the communications Authority allegedly intended to pass. Hapo watu wa matusi you were a target and those Nairobi CBD cone men and women. Anyway, I still consider this controversial despite a court order to suspend the move. CA argues that suspending it would be costly since a contractor had already been hired.
The CA intents to plant a Device Monitoring System (DMS) that would centrally monitor all mobile service providers in the country. The DMS will create a database of the identity of all the legal mobile devices registered in the country.
The move would also see CA blocking communications through all illegal mobile devices. However it stated that all illegal devices that have already been in use would not be blocked.

Babuon will say ni njama kumpora kura…

You had started well. This should be an issue affecting Kenyans as a whole but you couldn’t resist adding petty politics.


But babuon has an opinion about everything, only that its a single opinion, “Jubilee wanapanga kuiba kura”


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Yasmin I personally hate politics… Making a little fun on how babuon and his followers view issues is not any political

Right. Also dogs, coyotes, and wolves are in no way related.

Kenyans have a default mode to oppose everything.
No matter how well intentioned or beneficial to the country something is, you will still find Kenyans blindly opposing it.

Nani ameona mboro yangu?

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Go hang yourself
