Cough syrup in 1880

The ingredients will blow up your mind!

This was poison !

More like a party than poison!

simply coz fangi has been mentioned? what about the ammonium chloride?

It was a deadly concoction that would kill any life dead !.. treatment for any virus, kemri should do research on it

Hata dosage ni guesswork!!

Is it poisonas?

You saw the word cannabis and your brain behaved like a bull that has seen a muleta?:D:D

[SIZE=1]goes to show how fangi can control your brain.[/SIZE]

I deleted that message. Ngoma îno!

Ammonium chloride is still used in modern syrups

hampendi ukweli?

For painkillers they used to use heroin. When they realized it caused a problem, they replaced it with cocaine.


they still use opioids.

Ile cough syrup natambua ni codeine ya benyline (pharmaceutical?)

Ain’t nuthin’ changed.

Ukichanganya na kasprite, sio?

Mountain Dew or ukikosa ipige blackcurrant

works hata leo…try combining the individual components…

I’ll miss you when you die Bingwa