Daily Atheist Meme


I’d shoot him before calling the police.

You need faith to understand…

UnamHESSY mara iyo iyo

the Lord was testing him, He did not let him kill the boy

@Atheismo you will pay for what you are doing and influencing, that i know

There was one in Kilifi who beheaded his son waiting for god to send a sheep some years back !


yet he let his be killed or was it himself that got killed? i dont get this omnipotent thing,jesusu is lord/god,holy trinity as one…anyway faith is strong in you?

jonestown,branch davidian,Aum Shinrikyo ,kanungu cult uganda,heaven’s gate,solar temple…yeah all believed god/jesus wanted them to vacate the earth…too much faith hapo naona

damn, you are a grown man but understanding is far from you

Understanding bullshit from an adult perspective ,yes,its far from me. my 7 year old believes theres a monster in the cupboard because the big brother taunted her since she was two,never recovered,should i blame her? No, should i blame mature people with imaginary faithful friends? No,
So yeah, somethings can not be quantifiable to be understood let alone believed,leave it to the faithfuls:D:D:D

the word that we transgressed against
said, “I took my place in the midst of the world, and
I appeared to them in the flesh. I found all of them intoxicated;
I found none of them thirsty. And My soul became afflicted for
the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do
not have sight; for empty they came into the world, and empty too
they seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are
intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will

speaking from a sect pesrpective.YOU believe that your religion and YOUR god is the true one,other sects believe in their mumbo jumbo and none believes in theother persons god,kwani muko na mungu wangapi?anyway endelea kupiga debe

said the Holy One, blessed be He in that hour: " How long shall I wait for the children of men to work salvation according to their righteousness for my arm?
For my own sake and for the sake of my merit and righteousness will I deliver my arm and by it redeem my children from among the nations of the world.As it is written: “For my own sake will I do it.For how should my name be profaned”.

am i supposed to do something with this stupid info? Are you trying to shove religion down my oesophagus? better check yourself son

why are you disturbed? is it because of the sound doctrine? or religion?

me disturbed?..


why for are you gettin disturbed?