Does it truly matter?

Paganism is a spiritually guided worship of the oldest known energies known to the human race, the female energy and the male energy.

Out of this worship over time sages ruled the community with a view of evening out the balances in order to create harmony.

Unfortunately for the ancient sages a line of psychopathic men and women sought to corrupt this harmony, by creating an imbalance of such.

Til this date plenty of philosophies have been put forth as mankind struggles to understand their purpose on this world, ‘holy’ wars have been waged on those considered barbaric and the results have been lies upon lies.

No one truly knows which religion is true, but we can all agree it basically runs in families from generation to generation.

Wouldn’t it be far easier to let everyone worship as they will, without attacking their believes no matter how misguided we might view them.

And in result we emphasize moral character as opposed to disrespecting other faiths, it’s not that hard mind you.

Humanity must stand firm, the balance must be restored if we are to survive the evil of our souls.