Embu trip 2.0

I haven’t been on KTalk so much since school started and my phone privelages were witheld on the weekdays. In December I wrote a few articles on staying with my cousins Calvin and Cindy (which by now you should know are not their real names). So My mother and I drive up to Embu (my dad had to supervise the fundis and my sister just didn’t want to come) and we get to the houses late. My other cousin Hassan (fake name!) was already there. It was almost night time so I couldn’t play that football passing game with Hassan and one of the farm workers for long. We went inside and had dinner before retiring to bed around 10:30. We had a room to ourselves, with two bunk beds. I called the top one and before we fell asleep he told me about a girl in his class who wanted to commit suicide and how he had his first night emmision in class four and he didn’t know what the f**K happened to him (I had my first in class six, so I understood what happened). The room was really hot, but I didn’t want to take off my shirt fully so I just lassoed it around my neck and wore it before falling asleep. I woke up when the sky was a dull blue and I went back to sleep only to wake up when the room was flooded with light and Hassan was already awake revising. After breakfast He went outside and I went to change my clothes. Later on Calvin, Cindy and Monica (like Monica Juma, it’s a nice name) came. Calvin, Hassan and I stayed in the bunk-bead room, Monica eventually joined us. This post is already long enough, so there’s no point in saying what happened next. Right now I’m headed back to Nai with akina Hasso. No for my question, does Admin still inforce his reign with an Iron fist?

If this is the kind of Hekaya, you can bring to this village "since school started and your phone privelages were witheld on the weekdays" ,i can only shake my head on behalf of all SV’s in here.BURE KABISA

@Purple kindly banish this kid from this forum as a lesson to him and others