
well dudes, do hot chicks fart? then why do you hate when a fellow man farts.
watu wengine wana tabia mbaya

Confucius say, Man who fart in church must sit in his own pew.


  1. Inside a crowded Lift.
  2. Inside a public library.
  3. On a crowded train.
  4. Whilst giving a speech.
  5. In Church.
  6. Whilst on a date.
  7. In a packed lecture theatre.
  8. In your office.
  9. At a cinema.
  10. In a walk-in freezer - it’ll linger a while
  11. In a ticket line.
  12. On an airplane.
  13. During confession
  14. In the bed, whilst feeling frisky.
  15. In bed when you’re feeling frisky
  16. While fighting fire in a burning building
  17. In a patrol car for a minor violation


  1. Bosses office as you are about to leave. - best to make sure it’s silent but violent.
  2. In a bathroom.
  3. In the cashiers line - it’s bound to speed things up.
  4. The empty elevator before you get off.
  5. Beside an occupied dressing room - no doubt it’ll quickly become unnocupied.
  6. Your co-workers cubicle at the office.
  7. When deep sea diving.
  8. Back seat of the Police Mobile after being arrested.
  9. In your car if you’ve been carjacked.
  10. During a pie eating competition to distract your competitors.

Why do farts stink? So that deaf people can enjoy them also!

tulikua tunashuta kwa exam room ina act kama repelant

Back seat of the Police Mobile after being arrested.
Hi nikuomba kichapo !

Kunyamba kwa Sauna…the see those fat men becoming epileptic instantly…

You should also desist from farting when posting a thread…

Si you are an inspiration OP. Plato would be proud

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