Feeling low.

Wify hospitalized, My son asking where is mami now and then, Feeling damn low! Talkers remember Elgin tonight.


I hope you have a good support system … friends, family, or maybe even an affordable therapist or even your wife’s attending physician, you can talk to.

I’ve been in a somewhat similar situation and it felt like I would never be happy again. Having an external sounding board is critical.


Pole sana. All will be well.

1 Like

@NEF, yeah and actually u talkers. Thank you.

pole boss all will be well

Pole bro, a quick recovery to wife.

On another note- hii kitu inaitwa “Like” kwa social media including this site, what is its exact meaning? do we even use it when someone is low or bereaved?


Thank you everyone. Yea,all gonna be alright.This gonna be a bad night for us.

Must feel very sad because you arent used to it. Dont think too much if you can manage that.

nimeshangaa @Da Vinci and @Nefertities liking a sad post, encourage the guy, don’t like the sad post.

be strong, wife atapona.

For all ya’ll being all high and mighty about the likes, this is the part of the post to which we’re referring to. We’re just trynna let him know we hear his pain and get it!

Dang! Ya’ll need to stop your Internet warmongering sometimes and just be humans!

Be strong. I pray that she’s okay.

trust in the doctors all will be ok

Hope your wife will be fine…b strong

I’m sincerely sorry for him, bro. I just didn’t find a better way to express it. It was meant to let him know that someone is listening!

@Elgin you wifey is in our prayers…All will be well…take heart bro.

Thank you everyone. Let me try get some sleep.

Be strong as we put your madam in our prayers. Happened to me once too. I know that feeling.

Take heart, man! It will pass, and when everything is alright, you will look back and regard it as just another chapter in youryour long life, albeit a sad one! Such is life!

All will be well Elgin & tutaombea familia.

@gashwin, I may be wrong, but my interpretation of liking a comment on social media is showing support for it without necessarily having to comment. If someone posts a comment like “Sad my Granddad has died” I won’t like the post. If the same person posted " RIP granddad, till we meet again." I may like it.

All will be well Elgin & tutaombea familia.

@gashwin, I may be wrong, but my interpretation of liking a comment on social media is showing support for it without necessarily having to comment. If someone posts a comment like “Sad my Granddad has died” I won’t like the post. If the same person posted " RIP granddad, till we meet again." I may like it.