GSU Recce

Their tactics are simple, sacrifice one of their own as a bait to locate the bad guys.
In all operations it is a Must for one squad member to be moved out in a police ambulance, dead.

wangekuwa wanatumia mahabusu wa death row kama bait

I agree, but they will be worse than amateurs … they may jeopardize the long planned operation.

So ,how do they pick whol be sacrificed?


No one does that. mnaongeaje as if they are the first in the world.

Bad guys must be sharp shooters to kill a recce officer with bullet proof vest na helmet.

Just watch carefully what happens. those guys enter in a single file, 10 minutes later, police ambulance at the door, operation is over, recce officers leave in their landcruisers, mission accomplished, one dead.

Total lies!!! cut that bullshit

those are my observations, correct me

Leta facts and figures

This is totally rubbish. No police or millitary operation aims on sacrificing the lives of any of their own to accomplish their mission. You have a very small brain!

picky picky ponky
father had a donkey

Umedanganya lakini sawa tu.

When the SWAT team initiates a raid, it forms a single-file line known as the snake . This minimizes the number of team members who present an open target to armed suspects, though it obviously maximizes the risk to the officer at the front of the line. This officer is known as the
point man . It’s his job to enter an unknown room first (after other team members have forced the door open, if necessary) and neutralize any suspects that he encounters. The point man is the officer who most often has to make split second decisions. Is the person rushing at him armed? Is that a suspect holding a gun? Is that a hostage or a suspect? Such decisions are literally matters of life and death.
If you’ve ever watched a fictional SWAT team in action in a movie or TV show, you may have noticed how each team member enters a room and quickly drops into a certain position or covers a certain part of the room. That isn’t fictional, and it doesn’t happen by accident. Each team member has an Area of Responsibility (AOR ). The instant they make entry into a room, each SWAT agent immediately covers his or her AOR. This is planned so that the officers aren’t in each other’s way, and ensures that the entire room is covered as quickly as possible. However, just like the defense of a football team reacting to different offensive plays, the officers react and adjust their AOR in response to events going on inside the room.
Members of the Arlington Police Department SWAT team trail through a room in Quantico’s Combat Town-2.
As the SWAT team enters the room or building, they will yell loudly, or they might use a “flash-bang,” a grenade that creates more light and noise than actual concussive force. The aim is to disorient the suspects for at least a few seconds – usually enough time for SWAT to have them covered with their weapons and face down on the floor.
An enormous number of variables can affect the outcome of a SWAT raid. The best case scenario is one in which the suspects surrender or are disoriented long enough to be pinned and cuffed by officers. Roughly 90 percent of all SWAT call-outs end without the SWAT team firing a single shot. Of course, raids can go bad. If the suspect forces a confrontation, he may be killed by the SWAT officers. Officers themselves can be shot, and hostages can be taken out by angry suspects or errant police bullets. That’s exactly what SWAT teams train to avoid.
Regardless of the outcome, once the situation is resolved, the SWAT unit’s work isn’t done. First, there’s paperwork to fill out. More importantly, every SWAT call-out is subject to a review and evaluation. The team discusses positives and negatives, and it uses that information to direct its training and correct problems in future call-outs.

ctrl c ctrl v truphena kapondi style

Kapenguria siege

how does sacrifice in the first instance of combat help anything?

Karatina siege early last year?