Hekaya index

One unique feature of this village is the great hekayas that are written. However, if someone missed the hekaya and reads about it later, it becomes difficult to find where it is exactly unless someone bookmarked it or the author gives the link. I think we should have a bulletin board of the greatest hekayas of this village so that when one asks where/which hekaya, it is easy to point out where it is.



umedunga point,ata ukajua who posted right now its hard uende kwa profile yake uipate unless ur willing to go through all his replies on all threads,

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Ushasema kakablaza.

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agreed…especially if a hekaya comes as a reply…!!! its ridiculous to pin-point the thread it was posted

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@Jazzman I support you on this 101%

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Jazzman for mod.

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@admin dicktator gerrahia

hapa @admin ako na limited resources, moja yazo ni kusikiza wanakijiji

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mimi hekaya zangu nachapiaga wasee nikiwa majani…sasa how do we index even that ? @Akeelah :p;)


Kama ilibamba watu itaongezwa kwa index

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