Horny women 3-4 at the club

2 weeks ago, went a club hapa Embu to get some food after munchies za weed. Was 3.am thereabouts. Mimi nimekaa pale nangoja food iwe ready, a chick approaches me akidance and sits on my hips still dancing. She’s attractive and curvy. Bodywise she’s my type.
My spider senses zikaamka na kuwa radar Mbaya. I’m torn between shoving her away respectfully ama playing along tu.
Long story shot, nilipewa unsolicited pussy, tho nikatokwa beer mbili. She’s become one of my regular lays. A newly employed single mum teacher.
This has happened before. Thrice. I rarely ever since niliacha fombe.
Just hit me this might be the most idle time kupata quick affordable pussy kwa club.

Ata picha ya 3 am tunakubali

How will a lady sit on your hips. Did you mean hips or you meant lips… Akanyamba kwa lips

Hips or thighs? Are you the man or the woman?

Clarify hapo kwa beer mbili. Details prizz

Also uko na roho safi. Mimi ata nikiombwa mbao na Street kid anywhere ill tell u to go ferk urself. Unless the bustard is in uniform. Uniform ni legit case maybe kalikula mandazi excess akakosa fare

This is what it means to sit on hips ghaseer.
What you meant is she sat on your lap, senji.

That’s super sus

Stories that never happened


Oy yes, thighs.

Kizungu yangu siku hizi is deteriorating.

Was super high on smoking weed for hours so nilikuwa generous and just curious to see where it’ll go.

Got no motivation kudanganya on an anonymous site I’ve been on for years.

Fact moja from living in Embu - kirinyaga for years: Most women huku ni kama they don’t get laid as much they’d like. Mogaka ya 30 Bob & pombe ya "kukata( in nearly all locals, you can request a quarter of a quarter spirit bottle) ni kama imechangia.
Doesn’t take much to get laid as a guy here.

Nirushie mmoja nikule


taka taka inakuja out of no where na inakukalia na uko tu sawa…have some self respek you filth…:D:D:D

Hata picha ya wall clock ikisema 3am hakuna?

ungesema alikukaliako mapaja kama kizungu sio mdomo chako

And why is that?

meffi. You joined this site barely two years ago
