Congo my precious

@GeorginaMakena, Given the the weekend starts today, Talkers are busy thinking about thresholds and the 26th. Give us a summary of the documentary. Huwezi tufanyisha kazi.

Case study: Kenya!


very interesting doc, that man has gone through hell, he escaped war in congo went to rwanda where he had to pay to at least have his wife killed with a bullet instead of pangas, then he caps it by going back to congo and choose to marry a prostitute, she thanks him for saving her and he refuses the gratitude, affirming that he loves her.

Its about his life and his country Congo,how the west exploits them by paying them peanuts for minerals.His wife a tutsi was killed infront of him n his kids. The part I found most touching n relateable is when he says, his kids will continue to be slaves of the white man. The hopelessness I see in many poor Kenyan families.

A friend who works in a security mission in the Central African Republic told me about weekly arrivals and departure of Air France in an airport in that country. African and Black French soldiers are barred from accessing the very particular hangar where the jet docks in. In other words, there is something being hidden. Arms in, minerals out.

Ahsande for sharing. Nimecrick

Sande sana, interesting Documentary!

Im shocked that over 6 Million people have been killed in DRC ,its going to excede the holocaust.I dont remember the last time a documentary gave me goosebumps. We really need to protect our country coz junguz dont give a damn about Africans

The poisonwood bible will never tell you this about Congo,wah shocking.

Thanks for posting. Not sure if you will be able to read this but Kenya and DRC are two different cases. They cannot be put into one basket. You should know better. Case study should be Ukraine or Thailand.
You cannot draw parallels between country with running institutions to Congo.

So the power that be know what is hapenning and have chosen to rurn a blind eye to it.

Probably, it might educate us how the white man might play His favourite game of divide and kill coz of the oil in northern region.