I love you

How do I respond to “I love you” from someone i don’t love?

Love is for the birds[ATTACH=full]252987[/ATTACH]

Thank you.

Unasema tu chonjo.

wow… thanks:)

i need slices to confirm

“chonjo brathe” ,he will never text after that reply…

Love is the greatest gift left among mankind.

I Love Myself Also.

:D:D:D:Dyoyu must be a very cold human being

si twende kejani.


@Kwame the God anataka msambwanda kwa buku jero

Gone are the days when “I love u” had meaning…nowadays it’s just a normal thing just like hello, good morning name it


You must have been dealt some bad cards in life damsel.


Me too.

have you been leading him on? if not just be upfront set the guy free whatever he chooses to do after you have told him its up to him…

Let him know u don’t share this feelings…hakuna kitu mbaya like a rare commodity such as genuine care and concern (hoping that’s what he has) being wasted on the wrong party. Let him find someone else to love