I promised my girl the world

I don’t know where all yall gonna live https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/270c.svg


All the best

In your left buttock, right next to your smelly anus.

Unataka.kuishi kwa mcoondu yake? Isorait

Closet imepigwa g3 early in the morning:(


And you gave her hell instead

Then you wasted 28 seconds of her life.

nawaona idlers sasa hii ni thread gani mnareply

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hIVRIc7IAJw/T2WEaO5ASUI/AAAAAAAACaw/FLmCvzeMSbc/s36/15.gif son,…never go full retard in the village,there’s enough of them

Fudah hii