Invasion! How Sweden Became the Rape Capital of the West

When a country is led by “woke” idiots.

I’m on it. Thanks

I’ve only watched the first 3 minutes and I can assure you it’s a propaganda video. To unwrap the situation in Sweden competently you need to use up a lot of brain cells. And I am not in that mood today. This is a lazy propaganda video intended to stir up hate for immigrants.

Bring your sources to show this is propaganda.
Pia utasema this article ni propaganda.
Sweden: Failed integration of immigrants fueling gang violence and crime, PM says | The Independent

Source is my mind. If you understand how Sweden works you will understand why it is the “rape capital of the world”. To cut the long story short, Sweden is not really “the rape capital of the world”, it’s just the country with some of the highest rape statistics in the world. The reason for these high statistics is because Sweden has one of the loosest definitions of rape in the world.
It’s such a long time ago that I have forgotten the specifics of the case, but you will remember that Julian Assange was accused of Rape (and perhaps even convicted, I won’t be arsed to research). If I remember correctly, it was classified as rape because allegedly, even though she gave her consent for sex, somewhere along the way he removed the CD. Yep in Sweden that is considered rape.
It is very easy to be accused and convicted of rape in Sweden. This has been the case long before the arrival of refugees in the mid 2010s. Sweden has always had high rape statistics from as far back as I can remember and you are always advised to be aware when travelling there.

I can make a much more sophisticated argument, but I don’t care enough to be arsed. But this is the gist of my argument.

Then ungesema they were wrong about the rape stats.

They use the rape stats and conflate them with cherry picked incidents to fear monger. That’s the ABC of how to make a propaganda video.
I am 99.99 % sure that there are no no-go zones in Sweden that the police are afraid to go to. That’s in all likelihood just extremist right-wing nonsense.

As for the Brazilian mother, we’d have to know the specifics of the case. But no civilized country will let one parent especially a non-citizen, leave the country if the other parent, especially a citizen, refuses to give consent. In most countries, attempting this would be a criminal offence. Given the whole trend of the video, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the actual real story. And I suspect the video-makers deliberately refused to investigate or give the whole story, cause it did not fit their agenda.

No-go zone will mostly apply to civilians who don’t live in Malmo, ni kama hapa kenya vile utaambiwa to avoid walking in kibera kana wewe sio mwenyeji.
Malmo has a high crime rate because Sweden imeshindwa to intergrate immigrants.

I honestly doubt it. I agree immigrants come with bad habits. But no-go zone is often hyper-hyper-hyperbole. You’ll hear parts of Dusseldorf are a “no-go zone” or Frankfurt’s central district or that time in Cologne when some immigrants allegedly groped girls during the city’s new year countdown party and that part of Cologne was called a no-go-zone by extremist right wingers. Till you get there and realise it’s all fear-mongering.
I’ve never been to Malmo, but I am inclined to not believe that there are parts of it that are no go zones.

What I will say about immigrants to Europe. They trash up anywhere they go to. If I take you to Dortmund right now and you know nothing about Dortmund. And show you the two different sides of Dortmund. You’d know instantly which side has majority developing world immigrants and which side has majority germans. We just trash up any place we form the majority. This is true of nearly any city that has a clear divide.

I would compare that to how some poor people behave versus the rich. Take a tour between 6-6.30 am from OTC towards Muthurwa and Kamukunji, you will encounter people spitting on the road, an encounter you won’t find along moi avenue