Is this true?

For the people I have interacted with and studied(very many), everybody acts in accordance with their interest which favours them, whether overtly or covertly, so if you want to play people, identify their interest but your interest should be more than their their interest, so that they will think its a Win-Win situation.

The only thing you should care about is not revealing how much you gain from the deal to prevent seller’s remorse. Let me give you an example. If you buy a house for 10 million, and I offer you 12.5 million, you will have a profit of 2.5 million and it is a good deal for you. However, if you realize that I have lined up a buyer for your house at 17.5 million, when you haven’t signed the papers, you will refuse my offer of 12.5 million due to seller’s remorse. So, in a win-win type deal, keep your mouth shut regarding how much you stand to gain from a deal to prevent seller’s remorse. Land and property flippers experience this all the time.

A land owner is more likely to sell his land to you if you tell him about plans to plant onions etc than if you tell him that you will subdivide into plots and sell them off at a profit.

Human nature is so fucked up


Hahahahaah, very true