Kapondi on Kevin Samuels' show

1:04:35 is when she calls in :D:D:D:D


Leta summary kabla crush wako Patco afike hapa kukojolea thread.

Machos tu

This is nonsense


Yaani you sit for 2 hours and watch Kevin Samuels talk on YouTube.

Precisely what people with 60-70 IQ do.


Hes an interesting chap. But you browse through his show in 5-10 minute bursts.

Wueh, 6’5! sidhani iko talker anatoshana na huyo mwanamke ata

Kevin is not a name, it’s a mental diagnosis. RUN! :D. Just think of all the Kevins you know of, are they 100% okay?

This guy nianzie wapi? He has had 2 failed marriages. The first one lasted for only one year, the second one lasted less than 3 years. LOLOLOL!
His pathological hatred for black women is quite scary. Any black woman who takes herself to his show for “advice” needs to understand that he’s only there to humiliate them. Yet they keep going back to his platform. There’s a petition going around to get him off the internet and for that reason he has toned down the anger a little…

I’m surprised you don’t side with him considering you’re conservative

Yes, I’m a biblical conservative. But why do you think KS is popular? Why has he struck a nerve especially among the black American community?

It’s because over 80% of black women in the US are single. Over 80%! Few men of any race who have omokad want to marry a black woman in a sea of Hispanic and whites. Black women are infact the most unloved and unwedded women in the US and perhaps the whole world. The unspoken understanding is that black women are ugly and undeserving of love. Ever heard of the term “angry black woman?” Black men, despite being raised by black mothers, have internalized white supremacist tropes about black women and developed extreme hatred for their own kin. Let me tell you something you didn’t know. Black US men really, really, really hate black women. I used to think it’s a joke, but no it isn’t. It’s as if they blame their mothers for not keeping their dads around. The answer to this trauma is manifested as overt misogyny. They see a savior in KS, they wonder what if their moms were more submissive and less promiscuous maybe their dads would have stuck around? Black men are truly broken. KS also has tons of unresolved baggage from not having his father around.
Back to the topic. Did this 37 year old woman, PhD “business executive” who doesn’t want kids think it was a good idea to come on to his show? Kevin lives for people like her, he loves it when they cry. A black woman’s tears to him are like a shark drawn to blood. Yet they keep coming to him for validation.

He’s only capitalizing on a niche. Internet radio now makes that possible. There’s at least 10 white radio hosts like him. Have you ever heard of Tom Leykis.
You have to have a little edge to make it in entertainment. Don’t forget Kevin Sanders was a successful career salesman in his previous life.

Can Purple side with a Black man?

Every other white radio host like Tom Leykis caters to a white audience because it’s too risky for white people to talk about black women in a derogatory manner. That’s where KS comes in, he’s black and most black women still love black men despite the unrequited love. Regardless of what they say about white ladies, 80% + of them aren’t single without choice. Their white skin confers them huge benefits in the marriage market place. Every race bows down to the supremacy of the white female beauty. Period! Nothing any radio show can say which diminishes this fact. White women are ‘allowed’ to get mad in public because of “pretty privilege” but a black woman doing the same thing is immediately labeled as an “angry black woman” or “ghetto.” It’s only recently that society came up with the word “Karen” but still, that term doesn’t pack the same punch as “angry black woman” who’s bitter as hell for being chronically single, that is the stereotype. I’m afraid that due to internet exposure, black African men have started adopting damaging ideas about love and marriage which eventually will destroy the fabric of the black family. Black women are beautiful, smart and just as deserving of goodness as their white, Asian and Hispanic counterparts. They are not h**** and b*****!

@Sambamba tell the truth… You really wish that was you lying in Kevin Samuel’s bed doncha? I hear he’s a bottom. Don’t bring me into your gey fantasies madam. Hey don’t be shy, that’s why you watch him for hours. You want some of that… LOL.


Black men are just a cursed lot, from selling their own people to slavery, to selling their countries for a bottle of gin like Lobengula. Chase whites out of Africa turn the place into a shit hole, now Africans are risking life and limb to go wipe white old people’s ass and that’s the idea of making it for an African.

Black American men? Where do we start? Do you have the time but let me summarize. The highest growing demographic of get men in America are yes you guessed it Black American Men.

@Purple it’s good to read up on research and demographics. It helps you not to be overly simplistic about things. For every phenomenon there are causal factors.Humans are social animals who adapt to their environment as best as they can. Interrogate things academically. That’s why parents spend so much money on education to help you really think critically about things beyond the surface. Let’s begin from where we are now and then look at the historical background.

Now if black American women were more submissive and less promiscuous, it would not change the fact that black American males who make up only 13% of the American population constitute 60% of the prison population. 1 in every 4 black man will go to jail for a minimum of four years in his life time. Of course we know that the judicial system is harsher on black American men. As an ex con job opportunities are hard to come by. Gang violence and drug turf wars kills a sizeable number of black men before they are 25. This is why blacks have children very young, teen pregnancies isn’t bcz they’re anymore promiscuous than any other race it’s because the men die very young so if you love your boyfriend, you get his baby before he’s shot dead or goes to jail. A good number are also hooked on drugs so…

The most eye opening research about black American men is done by the economist. Where there’s a clear correlation between black men and poverty. A black woman is on the same trajectory as a white woman from a poor background to getting out of poverty until she gets involved with a black American man and down back into poverty she goes. The research showed that even black American men from middle class families are likely to sink into poverty. I have posted that research here enough times. The face of poverty in America is the face of a black American man.

So let’s go back historically. The black American man was rendered redundant by the welfare system which reward single mother homes. You can not welfare if the man is in that house.

During slavery the black male was effeminized by buck breaking. The black man was sexually objectified by the white woman. Sexual objectification is an effeminate quality. Men in a patriarchal society are sexual subjects. I was surprised to learn that black men who were freed during the slavery era sold their wives as slaves if they were not happy with them. Victims victimize. Black women were sexually exploited by white slave owners and later on by black men who acted as pimps. The pimp culture was there a long time back, the black American woman did not just become promiscuous out of the blue, she was always sexual commodity, she never had sexual agency, first by her white slave owners then by the black male trade or career called pimping which is still a big deal even in this age.

There is a Jim Crowe manifesto on how to emasculate the black man with several strategies . I believe that was back in the 60s. The most telling thing right now is how many black American males are either openly gey or on the downlow or trannies.

A person can only give you what they have. The black American man has nothing but confused gender identity and rage for the systematic dehumanization and emasculation he has suffered for close to 500 years. Who do you expect him to hate and rant about? The white man? The one with all the power and money? The one controlling the black man’s destiny? Of course not. He will unleash on other black men by killing them and then to black women by bitching about them, pumping and dumping them and pimping them. So the black man hates his fellow black man more than the woman that’s why shooting each other is the norm among black men.

In the book the invisible man by a guy called Ralph Elyson, he says marrying a black woman takes a man back to his inferior identity, the closest a black man can come to becoming a white man is marrying a white woman.

BTW a new interesting demographic is coming up of white women with black men’s babies as the fastest growing group of single mothers. So it looks like submissiveness isn’t working for them.

Another thing I’d like to point out is that promiscuity only becomes an issue when the woman is black. White men and black men of means marry promiscuous women all the time. President Trumps wife background, Kanye West exe wife sex tape? There’s even a president who married a porn star. I rest my case.

Isn’t that what US marriages are?

Of course. My son, husband, dad, brothers are all black. I want black men to succeed because it’s in my best interest!

You have to understand one thing: chances of having multiple failed marriages increases exponentially after the first divorce. It’s a small group of people driving up the divorce rate based on how it’s calculated by statisticians. Research suggests that after your first marriage ends in divorce, the more likely you are to get divorced again. People who enter into second marriages divorce at a rate of 67 percent, and it goes up to 73 percent with a third marriage.

The other black men.