
If you are not consuming over 1000 liters a day we don’t need these updates. Upuss. Please don’t post next month.

@Web Dev birionaires have prime movers that haul petroleum products from Eldoret pipeline to juba, kampala and kinshasa… also shady petrol stations that sell adulterated ago mixed with dpk haiya and that used jet a1 from waseal mixed with pms

Ferk meria a few threads below posted the same thing in the morning and not a single fuck was given , he drives a prime mover and in a month with this kind of reductions they can’t even get him a decent night out with his imports in saving. This shit just makes me climb a wall. You peasant negroes who want to fit in barely spend 2k a month on gas with your 1cc engines. #drops mike.


ipande isipande makes no difference to me, my automobile is hydrogen powered