Make America HeartlessbAgain…

[SIZE=7][B]Mother sues US for $60 million after toddler detained at immigration facility later died[/B][/SIZE]

Trump aliwambia hamtatoboa na emotional blackmail. Usitumie watoto kama calling card coz drumpf hapana tambua.



She knew and understood the risks of trekking with a baby from wherever she came from. That baby definitely received better care than she would ever have in the Honduras, wherever. Even after being released from the detention facility, she traveled all the way to New Jersey and waited 6 weeks!! before seeking medical attention for the baby.

She is not only a negligent mother trying to cash in on a baby’s misfortune, but America has no obligation to illegal aliens.

Exactly, MAHA.

The dream sold by the Left. That other people are responsible for your well-being. These are the ripple effects.