Male Friendzone-Does it exist?

Guys always talks about being stuck in the friend zone, like a hot girl flirts with you and treats you like a boyfriend only she doesn’t put out and she just sort of uses you, and tells you that you are just her friend. Well did you know that there is the reciprocal of that for females? Being stuck in the female friend zone sucks, i agree, but please don’t think that girls are the only ones who do it. Males do it all the time. Especially to unattractive girls, i.e. fat, ugly, socially awkward, emotionally unstable, geeky, afterwards referred to as “candidates.” It’s not as common as the female friend zone, in which 90% of women unspokenly participate in, but it still exists. The male friend zone is usually only employed by a certain type of male, underneath certain circumstances, being utilized by about 30% of the male populace. Of those 30%, certain qualifications and standards must be set.

If a man is an asshole, he will usually not bother with the friend zone, and just tell the candidate that she is not his type, or tell her the truth that he is not interested nor drunk enough to even rethink that decision. Assholes don’t have a friend zone. They have categories like datable, fuckable, or desirable. If you do not fall into one of those categories, an asshole will let you know. And you will not associate with him after a classification has been reached. 25-30% of men are assholes.

If a man is not an asshole, and he is a genuinely good person, he will place a female in the friend zone. He may not even realize he is doing it, or he may be keeping his options open for an especially drunken night, or maybe it’s because she is his best friends cousins little sister, but either way, good guys friend zone. Good guys are the best and worst at the friend zone for females. They treat the candidate as if she were a girlfriend, open car doors for her, buy her dinner, confide in her, call/text her all the time, and treat her like an actual male friend. This can be confusing for the candidate. The one true way to tell if a girl is being friend zoned is if the good guy talks about other girls with her. A good guy will not talk about other girls with a girl he is interested in sleeping with, because subconsciously he has had that argument too many times and his instinctual brain steps in and stops his abysmally open mouth from running/working when a hot female is present. If a good guy does not think of you as dateable, fuckable, or desirable, he will share information about other girls that he thinks are dateable, fuckable, or desirable. It has taken me 30 years to understand this.

What men don’t seem to understand about women, yes even women that friend zone guys, is that in the same way that men conceive every person they meet to be a potential sex object, women do the same. However, we are more selective and/or realistic about it. I mean if a woman is rich, drop dead gorgeous, or has a killer body and knows she can get any man, then she doesn’t need to worry about the male friend zone. But if she has any defects whatsoever, she needs to be aware. Being placed in the male friend zone is awkward, in the same way that being placed in the female friend zone can be. When a woman is in the male friend zone, he treats her with respect, is conscious and thoughtful when it comes to her well being and emotions. He is overly nice to her, and praises her above any booty call, or even his best friend. He talks about her a lot, namely to make other women jealous, but when they meet her, they know ultimately what she does not, that she is in the male friend zone.

It is hard to be in the male friend zone because women read so much more into relationships than men. Most men just want to get their dicks wet, with the hottest pussy around. Most women want men that treat them respectfully and can still rock their worlds. Being hot helps too. It’s like, every woman will fake an orgasm to have a relationship, and every male will fake a relationship to have an orgasm. Tough stuff. So when a really hot good guy is nice to the candidate, she lights up and beams, and her expectations skyrocket. She cannot understand why he is treating her this way, unless he wants to be in a long term committed relationship? I mean, what if i’m the one that he wants to be with? What if he’s the one man among all the douchebags that will prove them all wrong? What if we can live together and happily ever after and all the myths about faking relationships or just wanting pussy are wrong?

They are not. Even good guys have needs. Good guys, when they friend zone a candidate, still want what every male wants. I mean, a woman wants one man to satisfy her every need, and a man wants every woman to satisfy his one need. It’s a total struggle with both sides fighting for different goals. Men get suckered in and compromise in order to be in relationships. If a woman is really hot he’ll marry her. If a woman will put out all the time, he’ll marry her. But if things go south, and not in a good way, he’ll leave her. These are the things i’ve learned about men over the years. They only reiterate my points, but I digress, so back to the male friend zone.

It really bothers me when I see posts about girls friendzoning men. They carry their books, they serve as step stools, they take them out to dinner and pose for a picture and the girl will comment at the bottom “OMG! It looks like we’re on a date!” Because she wants to subtly/obviously let you know that you are not going to get anywhere with her. (unless you get her drunk and break that barrier, but that is uncouth.) Whereas, being in the male friend zone, you have no chance, ever. I mean, maybe if you were the last girl on earth, and he the last man, and there were no sheep or satin sheets or warm towels…. maybe. But probably not.

Being in the male friend zone, he treats you better than his girlfriend, but you can’t have his dick. He introduces you to his family, and they give you shady looks cuz you are not like the girls he normally dates, and they are wondering if he’s gone insane, but in actuality, you know, deep down, that he is silently mocking you. Here’s my best friend so-n-so, I love her, she’s amazing! But, everyone knows, that there is no hanky panky going on. That the candidate is not up to par in some way.

And you just have to deal with it. You just have to suck up the buttercups and smile and nod and pretend that you don’t know where you are at, but deep down inside, you do. You realize finally that he has absolutely no sexual interest in you whatsoever, and that you are just there to be his wingman, his link to the other sex, his confidant and friend. And sometimes, that’s ok. But tell the bitch that at the beginning! She doesn’t want to waste her time on you if you are not going to be worth it! I’m sure that goes both ways, but at least a man in the friend zone has a shot in the dark every once in a while. A girl in the friend zone probably couldn’t get you drunk enough to break the barrier. Ok maybe, but that’s rare.

In conclusion, the male friend zone exists, and being stuck in it sucks much worse than the female friend zone, but is less talked about because it does not happen as frequently, because most men are assholes. Oh, and nowadays, many members of each sex are gay and this is not necessarily applicable. But we shouldn’t have to worry about that too much in future generations, since, well, you know, it’s kinda hard to breed with same sex couples…


Mtu anipe synopsis ya summary ya hii hekaya

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Yule atamaliza kusoma aweke summary hapa chini


I would really love to be in the male friend zone. To have a guy pal who we can borrow each other money and return…maybe go places together and b his wingman…:wink:



Any takers . olmonk?

We wish …at one point ata anza kudai


correct he will call in the chips sooner rather than later

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U think ol monk would do that?

I know . its unfortunate that men r that way. No boundaries at all.

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Tl;dr A female’s fantasy of a rare breed of men that have time to waste with women they don’t care about or sleep with.

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Haha. So being friends with a woman, borrow each other money and return and juz have lunch or coffee and go for reggae together… N he can pick up chicks and I hide his fone for him so its not stolen; and why would a man not want that???


he is a sleeper cell fisi sooner or later instincts will kick in

you forgot to state we also want the cookie on top of all that


I call it fantasy for that reason, any one finds this fishy that the OP is Male or allegedly?

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Yes but from another source and I am to help u get that… Like I go tell a hot chick " my friend over there ( pointing at u) says hi"

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:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ain’t no niccas friendzoning nobody outchea! They be talking big but when it comes down to it, they will hit it!


heheh bado hujanielewa, at the back of the mind we will still be disturbed by the one that is getting away even after you organize for us hotties, and that is you, we have to exorcise that thought by doing the necessary :D:D:D

I relate with this post. But is it possible to b both an asshole and a good guy at the same time…coz i think i am…
@Nameberry1…if you are not a shemale we can do something…

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OK. You have made it all clear. No hope of having harmless friendships with guys