@meria mata

Pole sana for the loss of your loved one.
May the Lord grant you strength as you go through this difficult period.
Take heart my brother.
It is well.

All is well Dad, best thing is that with you remains the love and memories you shared.
Mola amlaze Pema peponi

Pole sana @Meria Mata.May your loved one RIP

…life is but a stopping place to sweet eternity.

Pole sana. Mourn and be strong. It is an eventuality we all go through.

Pole RIP

It shall be well VS.

Pole sana @Meria Mata .

Pole Sana Meria,
She is at peace now.
May the Lord give you comfort and strength.

Pole Vs Kwa yaliyokupata.

Pole MM

Pole bro

Pole mzito

Pole sana bro.

Pole MM with u in prayers

Pole sana @Meria Mata . May peace of the Lord be with you and give you strength this trying moment.

VC ako na msiba?

Pole Chief, though I don’t know whom you lost.

It shall be well VC.

pole sana VC may God Rest her in Eternal peace