Mother and daughter missing in St. Petersburg

From their photos, I can guess that these are mature people and they know where they are. I can see that the daughter is a graduant and should not go missing at this moment. We can only investigate the kind of life they lived back at home. Maybe the father has disturbed the family for a long time, so they decided to go and hibernate for a period of time. In addition to this, they can also be harrased by the kidnappers or the robbers. We are living at the times where anything can happen at any time. An immediate investigation should be conducted to know the where abouts of these females. Females are always at risk irregardless of the age.

Unfortunately I can say with authority as ardent follower of true crime of many years, most cases do not end well. Cases go cold or evidence of foul play is discovered or the remains of the missing people. It’s one of the worst things about having a hobby of following crime. It hardly ever has a happy ending. Yet with every case we hope for the best but expect the worst.