mp wamutomba claims uhuru doing well

MP Wamuchomba says Kenyans receiving free goodies should not complain about heavy taxation by - Gathoni Wamuchomba said the government must increase tax to finance its projects- She noted life became unbearable when government started offering some free serivices- The lawmaker was forced to delete her Facebook post after being trolled by KenyansKiambu Woman Representative Gathoni Wamuchomba has warned of tough economic times ahead for Kenyans as long they continue to enjoy free government services.In a thread of tweets and Facebook post that she has since deleted, albeit after Kenyans took screenshots, Wamuchomba explained the government relies on taxpayers to finance its projects.READ ALSO: KCPE 2019: MP Wamuchomba has warned of tough economic times.


Where are the screenshots


Shut up or I send a dog to catch you.
