Ms Pendo's Complaint

[SIZE=5]Ms Pendo’s Complaint.[/SIZE]
This well known Socialite has the following Complaint about Kenyan Men in general :- [/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]“…Hawa Wakenya Ni 1 Minute Men…!!” Nairobi Diaries Star Pendo Cries.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Ms Pendo has a squeeze by the name Luwi Capello whom She is currently dating. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]And from the looks of things, there is trouble in paradise. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]“What is wrong with Kenyan men…??? I experienced bad sex from a potential boyfriend a while back after which I decided I will no longer date a Kenyan man…,” she lamented.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]The Lass complained that lately , all she seems to get is 1 Minute Men who have left her unsatisfied. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]“… Do you know how it feels for a girl to have so much an expectation then what comes out of it is zero …???
I asked him to stop midway , rose up and walked away never to look back again.
I blocked his phone and , well , he made me hate all Kenyan men…!!!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]A valid Complaint … or … just the usual Socialite Drama …???[/SIZE]



she should quit getting laid by old men who are on diabetes meds.

Pendo’s face is scary so I’m guessing men try to finish their business as fast as possible to avoid staring at that face for too long.

Thats the problem with sampling, if u stick to one unazoea then unatafuta mbinu za kuambia jamaa to up his game, kidogo kidogo hivi unashangaa if he is the one, very perfect.

If you think Pendos dace is scary then you haven’t seen Mishy Dora and her maculine chin and silver eye contacts…she gives me the creeps

Couldn’t agree more.

Mishi Dora.



The Chap is barely 26 years old …!!!


are these Kenyans?
mishi dora and pendo?
nimeona mmoja wao amelala kwa pesa za kenya

Watoto Wa Mtaa …



I would genuinely fuck her no lie

huyu Dora nagwesa pita na yeye

if u stick to one unazoea then unatafuta mbinu za kuambia jamaa to up his game, kidogo kidogo hivi unashangaa if he is the one, very perfect.
so true,this worked on me,she trained it to her satisfaction

Getrude Mungai we have noticed you


Cunt relate, @Waithelelo can attest to this. I run long distance kama duracell

How are you hun?

Save us the ignorance…

Kush my Kush@kush yule mnono and you know it

this is from me to you