My Daily Atheist Meme



Is atheism built on attacking Christianity and other Religious groups? Then being an atheist must be the most sick decision to make.

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Yes. As well as eating babies.

your atheism views should be against various deities not single view against Christianity, the majority here. i think you just jumped on ship you knew nothing about.
Otherwise you are in a monotheist state with a god you are not sure of. younger teenage boys get exited over one pubic hair they define .

If your opponent is of choleric arguments, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. i tend to rest my case.

word salad? i can’t tell …

So in this case, Atheismo = teenage boy and your God= ONE pubic hair? I can live with that!

The majority who think that everyone else should live like The Bible is the Kenyan constitution.