NASA claims on rigging document

ndio hii hapa

Form zina come wahesabu watangaze ushindi hii story iishe rendering the hacking claim impotent.

How IEBC was hacked:

This doucment references an Annex. Do you have a link to it?

Where is the annexe? That’s where the juicy stuff is…

So how did they know that IEBC was hacked?
Or did tumbili hack aibisii then when naswa hacked aibisii found that tumbili had already hacked aibisii?

My Opinion is the NASA IT expert is a fake. The setting mentioned have no effect on CRUDE operations and transaction integrity of the database.

for example xpstar.dll is a legitimate T-SQL file and used by the SQL agent.

so, on and so on.

Was there a Trojan horse in the system that allowed external access, i expect the NASA team to have said which one.

If IEBC are not using Microsoft SQL then these logs are fake. I thought IEBC was on Oracle, unless it is for the results portal from third party in which case there is no impact on internal IEBC ICt infrastructure.

If some could use Osando’s (God rest his soul) credentials then there is an ICT lapse in IEBC. Is IEBC on a secure network like AD to control all domain computers and audit all transactions. Are users able to install software on laptops/desktops…e.t.c.