Other than TeamViewer which other remote control app

After Updating to TeamViewer 14 I was locked out of my computer the whole of yesterday night. I think am not happy with TeamViewer at the moment since this is the second time it’s happening, which other remote control apps can I use?

Symantec PC

Remote PC

Locked out of your computer how…
A higher version of TeamViewer can access a computer with a lower version of team viewer…
But a computer with a lower version of TeamViewer cannot access a TeamViewer client with a higher version

I updated both are same version but inaleta error message eti I partner did not connect to server though status shows that the computer is online. Since I updated though haiko smooth

Try Anydesk

Any desk its good

Let me try it

I think I liked it. It’s really fast

AAMMYY and its free ,no installation required .

definitely Chrome Remote desktop - Best and free. Tied to your gmail account and supper secure.
