Pyramid Scheme Gluttons Wamechapwa Makende..



Mungu asaidie watoto wetu


You can’t really blame them. These guys are just desperate and the people running these schemes take advantage of that. How these people never get arrested even when they have offices and advertise so freely is a shock.

Wakisiii Ni natural fraudsters

These are just robbers… Why is that smartly dressed Otieno talking about a work Place? That is simply a robbers den…

This is so sad… :frowning:

Aim global is suspect

Haheeee,what the fuck

Hii Ni GNLD tu

Aimglobal ni wezi

Friend of mine recommended this gig to me, problem is he is the same guy recommending that likes scheme… What was the name again?

Fraudster wa Hali ya juu ,they conned my aunt kitu 70 k yet she sold hizo herbal products zao.

That’s cold, dude offered me to pay upfront for their products so I can sell it later…
And I wondered if I buy their shite doesn’t that make me the customer, the transaction is over and they have nothing else to lose