reasons why you should date older men..

  1. They’re Secure
    Unlike guys in their 20s, men in
    their 30s and above have an
    established sense of who they are in
    this world and what they’re doing
    with their lives. This makes them
    much more relaxed and less eager to
    impress (which is never an
    impressive quality) than their
    younger counterparts.
  2. Money
    They tend to have more of it than
    the guys your own age. Go figure.
  3. Chivalry
    Via tumblr
    As annoying as it can be to have
    some man hold the door open for
    you every time you enter a building,
    it’s a gesture of feminine
    appreciation that has more or less
    evaporated amongst the younger
    generation due to progressive
    ideologies (which, don’t get me
    wrong, are a good thing overall).
  4. No Roommates
    It’s unlikely that your older man will
    share his home with a couple of
    unruly slobs he calls his best
  5. Hanging Out With
    Their Friends Is More
    You have to do it a lot less
    frequently, as the older one gets,
    the less one spends on friend time.
    Also, it will take place in much more
    pleasant venues, like a nice
    restaurant instead of a filthy dive
    bar (but don’t completely forsake
    the filthy dive bars).
  6. They’ve Had More
    Relationships To
    Learn From
    These guys know how to behave in a
    relationship because they’ve done it
    before with a variety of women,
    learning all the ups and downs
    through a variety of dating
  7. They Won’t Take
    You For Granted
    You’re young and beautiful, and he’s
    technically out of your league.
  8. They’re Better At
    With more time to perfect their
    technique (and less sheer relief at
    the fact that they’re getting laid at
    all), these men know where to touch,
    and for how long.
  9. They Get It
    Girls age at a rate much faster than
    their male counterparts. Things that
    men in their 20s can never
    understand, older men can
    articulate in one, wisdom-filled
  10. Patience
    Understanding the meaning of
    delayed gratification comes with
    years of hard work to attain the
    position in life you’ve been after.
    Guys just coming out of academia or
    at their very first grown-up job may
    not get this (unless they’ve had a
    tough life, in which case they’re
    basically an “older man”).
  11. Your Dates
    Younger men will take you to a low
    quality, over priced restaurant if
    they want to impress you. Older men
    will take you somewhere where
    food’s the main focus. Or maybe
    even to Europe.
  12. They Know What
    They Like
    An admirable quality in anybody,
    this assures that when you’re with
    your older man, you will settle for
    nothing other than the best.
  13. They’re Assertive
    via tumblr
    And they’re not afraid to ask for the
    best if they don’t get it the first
  14. They Command
    They do this in a way that a fresh-
    faced 20-something cannot, since
    he’s too busy trying to look like an
    adult (in an ill-fitting suit) to
    properly act like one.
  15. They Can Engage
    With Your Parents
    As long as such a man is not too
    old, parents will appreciate his
    ability to converse knowledgably on
    subject matter on which younger
    men lack understanding. They also
    may appreciate his stability.
  16. Their Apartments
    Are Nicer Than Yours
    If you’re in someplace like NYC, you
    understand how big of a draw this is
    coming from your cramped, Bushwick
    abode. Also, this probably makes the
    guy more conveniently located to
    wherever you go for work/play.
  17. They Can Provide
    When you think you’ve got serious
    problems with pulling your life
    together, the older man is there to
    tell you not to worry, it takes lots of
    time and effort to succeed. You’re
    young and doing what you can for
    the time being. What a relief.