Ruling Class

If there’s one lesson learned throughout the flora and fauna is the emergence of conflict, between dominant species vs submissive species.

Mountain wolves exhibit such conflict, with packs maintaining a seemingly patriarchal management theme. Alpha males depicting commanding poses whilst Beta males preferring sleeking their fur and generally trying to take as little space as possible.

In human beings, the instincts are present as ever but power is often a curious thing.
As the Spider from G. O. T often proposes to the Lannister ; who between a King, Rich Man or Religious man can persuade the sell sword to slay the other two?

Using that same premise consider Kanye West’s lines ‘what’s a man to a king? what’s a king to a god? what’s a god to a non believer?’ Sift aside the half baked morons perpetually glued to their screens perusing between one among the 7 cardinal sins, a keen mind will spot a litany of evidence of covert effort to weaken an Alpha state of mind.

In 21st century, no longer is the Alpha male desired… at least overtly, I still find ladies willing me to ravage them senseless and leave them for the dead. Slowly but effectively the erosion of structure is dwindling away to create a weakened species incapable of critical thought thus unable to distinguish who your true enemy is.

Sooner or later the dire warnings of Nikola Tesla are manifesting themselves, and so are the predicaments of George Orwell’s 1984 are materialising.

We are arrogant enough to imagine there exists no life beyond the ones which are plastered in our faces by mainstream media, careful lads and lasses.

As we study microorganisms in a petri dish so are we being studied.

Matrix Trilogy was a documentary