Sad news

Disappeared on Dec 30th


Body found today at city mortuary



Sad situation.



What do you mean?do you know something we dont?


RIP she was found in a morgue

really sad


Puzzle as body of former university student is found in city mortuary – Nairobi News

wah RIP


I am not blaming this poor girl.

But I wish all young women would know that this is now a very dangerous city for unaccompanied women at night. If I could, I would suggest to all young ladies to avoid night travel on matatus, especially to destinations they don’t know well about.


What really happened to this lady? Was she in a ma3?

Watafute BF wake atawambia mahali ako.

I know her personally :(:(:(:oops::eek:. Rest with the angles girl

Totally uncalled for under this thread…ungefungua tu thread yako about your necrophilia fantasies.

Omg u need a cocktail of antipsychotics wtf?

Such a sad death I was hoping she would be found alive