Sasa what next?

Lps, cassettes, cd, DVD, blue ray, flash disks, sd card, then what,?

Horse, Ox cart, horse carriage, Steam engine, internal combustion engine, hybrid car, Electric car, driverless electric car

Smoke signals, drums, messagers, telegraph, telephone, Telex, fax, email, wifi, wimax, 2g, 3g,4g,5g, next

VR, So next,

Ressurecting the dead or prolonging human life span to 300 years

you forgot floppy disk, ever used them ?

You know tech is just getting old too fast. In Europe they will soon phase out FM radio and VHF UHF over the air TV and switch to iptv

Test drive the new Cadillac Super Cruise

Wadau more info on IPTV in layman’s language

By the way, most of these rich men often state in their wills that once they die, their bodies be preserved in frozen nitrogen so that in case in the future there is technology to ressurect people, they will be able to rise up again.


Jesus has the technology. He will raise people back to life when he comes back.