Seat safery belts

It is a requirement by kenyan traffic laws for every vehicle be it public or private to be fitted with a seat belt.My issue pertains the type of belts fitted into psvs as i believe they some and most dont serve their purpose 100 I would prefer a requirement should not just be a seatbelt but chest to waist belt and not the waist belt

hapa belt ilisaidia na nini?

Your point chief hakuna haja ya kufunga safety belt?

Real men die without airbags n seat belts

Nothing is worse than dying a coward

Seat or no seat belts, watu watazidi kufa na ajali hadi siku tutakapobadilisha tabia zetu barabarani na serikali irekebishe all flawed roads. No more no less.

hizi seats are not fitted well ndo maana unajifunga belt unarushwa nje na kiti

How do u know all these?? Have u died before??

Binjwa unasumbua