Shepherds pie

Simple Shepherd pie ala mbeleva


Mince meat






Kaanga mince meat mpaka iachane (I don’t like lumps in mine) and condiments to your taste

Ongezea carrots grated alafu uzime moto waiting for the mixing

Meanwhile boil the warus na uzimash ( ongezeako ka blue band, siagi and salt to taste) mi hutumia whatever spread I have in with a little cream or milk

Weka mince on the base of the dish alafu mash juu

Weka kwa preheated oven at 180 for about 50 minutes

I normally add the cheese on top halfway oven time

Voila, enjoy with whatever side veggies you like.

Apologies for my abysmal photo posting, still learning


Good effort. A v difficult dish to pull off. Not v filling for those that like heavy meals. A good comfort food when it is really cold.

Wow, great job.

A nice alternative though for those of us who like warus.

Awesome stuff!

It looks very tasty and juicy. I will definitely try to cook Shepherd’s Pie and share it with all my relatives. Cooking is my hobby and I often try to cook new delicious recipes. I recently bought a sandwich maker on [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)] and I tried to cook something with it. I found this thing only thanks to my mother, who works as a chef in one of our local cafes. I didn’t even know that there were such clever culinary inventions. I came up with a cool recipe for a sandwich with chicken, lettuce and cherry tomatoes. All this is seasoned with salsa sauce and served with a mug of cold dark beer. A very cool recipe. I advise everyone to try it!