So @ Panyaste, how was your valentines date with the mlamiste?

Please tell us…many are eager to know yr ways chief?

Well well well, I know many were jealous especially the galdems in these streets who have always dreamt of dating or having a date lunch with His excellency Panyaste .

Anyway my jungu gal didn’t want a pic of her posted here so I edited it out

So me and Yvy (her name) decided to go to a private restaurant. Offcoz I was dressed like a champ but sio zile red red juu chini like a msee wa ocha.

Dress code…black Jean’s, red shirt and black leather jacket. How about her Panyaste? A red mini dress and a black suede jacket…ameshika maua mkononi.

We had lunch as I spoon fed her as we exchanged love vows. Wine was later brought and I gave her some chocolate.

Later went for a boat ride and then to my diggs. I chunishad things sukuma in a romantic way…that’s it for now fox…see u later…I know u are jealous

[SIZE=7]Tunajua Valentine’s ulikua date na @Blaze Ujeru…

jealous entourage have arrived sir…They’re at six 'oclock… Request permission to shoot them down Sir? code red code red

pannyastes’ ringtone,am jealous…German cuisine yummy

thanks buddy

i know many pink handles are looking at this thread with tears dripping down their eyes but sorry i don’t do blacks…thankyou

It looks like Chinese food. Naona Nattydread’s tips for Valz day have borne some fruits. Karibu galdem apelekwe kwa ‘burger n fries’ joint. :smiley:

Chinese gitu kani? hii si ni ile mashakura (everything in one pot!) tunakuraga central?

We had lunch as I spoon fed her as we exchanged love vows. Wine was later brought and I gave her some chocolate.

:D:D:D:D…You is a mitch for pulling this bullcrap.


Mna ujinga

Niaje Jirani?

Mashakura na wapi afocado

If a lady from the mountain were to post such on any sm you would never hear the end of it. Mashakura remains one of the best cultural exports yet

Hio sahani joh…:confused::confused::confused:

Ni ya chokora mapipa

@Panyaste mimi siishi mbali na huduma za western union


Panyaste: [FONT=arial][SIZE=4]So @ Panyaste, how was your valentines date with the mlamiste? [/SIZE][/FONT]

The portions are for a midget.

Maragoli jeuri wachanga kudanganya raia.
Hii ni Eat all you can Chinese buffet.
You are so tight you squeak when you walk!.. kikikikkkk…
Lakini ni Sawa Tu, it’s the thought that counts.