With layers you could spend around 500-600/= on one bird till the start of laying.This excludes the cost of poultry house construction, workers, water bills and power bills and other unforeseen costs e.g treatment bills charged by a vet.Let’s say you start with 1000 birds.You will spend around 500,000/= on the lower side till the start of laying(excluding housing,water bills,power bills and salaries).

Let’s say you put construction costs at Ksh 200,000 and worker’s salaries at 30,000/= (from day 1-5 months),water bills at around Ksh 10,000(5 months) and power bills at Ksh 10,000(5 months).That would be 750,000/= till the start of laying at 20 weeks(5 months).
For them to be at peak (top production at 8 months)they can give you 30 trays a day(90%) at 8 months and you sell at 300/= a tray you will get 9000/= from the sell of eggs(farm gate price).They will take 3 bags a day. Suppose a bag of layer’s mash 50 Kg is Ksh 2000/=(on the lower side)3 bags would be 6000/=.Deduct sale of eggs from price of feeds per day.That would be Ksh 9000- Ksh 6000/= Ksh 3000/= per day.
At the end of the month you have Ksh 90,000. Now deduct salaries of Ksh 5000, water bills of Ksh 2000/= per month,power bills of 1000/=(or less)and egg breakages(let’s say Ksh 2000/=.You might be left with Ksh 80,000/= per month as net profit.Remember this is just an estimate and not the actual figure but could be closer to that.
Depends on many variables like quality and price of feeds, egg prices, location, demand of produce, unforeseen circumstances like disease outbreaks etc.

My friend,
For you to achieve all that umesahau very important aspect.
Breed and feeds to suit the particular breed.
Me and my pal did all the calculations.
Here in UG you need ugx 2000 to feed a chick every day.
Hiyo 500-600ksh sijui.
Let me tell you ile vumbi tulionyeshwa na breed fake which don’t fit in any feeds resulted to losses.
We are going to do it again knowledgeable this time.

Layers are economical ukipartner na Mtz ufanyie huko Magufoolistan…a tray there costs 350…plus feeds come cheaply from sunflower… Zimejaa huko…

Ebu nipee 411…nataka kunukisha kitunguu proper hii mwaka

Enda Singida…I dont have current info…but huko its very cheap…won’t cost more than 4k go and back…

kwa biz you should always target the most glaring problem whose solution has not been found, in our poultry sector shida ni feeds.

Achana na kuku, think of starting a feeds production company aiming at offering the same quality at lower prices or superior quality at current market prices.

The reason eggs from Uganda are able to sell in Kenya.

Thank you for this insightful response to what is happening with egg prices in Kenya. Import/feed prices need to be managed but that will be governmental prerogative - All you can do is adjust/tweak business model to accommodate some residual profit. I will be checking your numbers and testing them in our instant online poultry farming business plan to assess current profitability in Kenya.