Study: kerosene in food increases libido


What in god’s name?:D:D

Wachana na watoto Chief.

It can’t be that teenagers are hormonal and need sex education. Nah. It’s the kerosene!

No kiddin, it’s doing the opposite of what it was intended for!

I agree, in high school they used to put it to lower the sexual urge

Yes you’re right. Unfortunately it doesn’t reduce libido but it increases the risk of developing gastritis.

I think as Africans we are very ignorant to have embraced this as the gospel truth, the stereotype.
The taste comes about as a chemical reaction when veg oil is applied and the boilers closed in that high temp environment. I remember reading that somewhere recently and thinking “yaani a whole nation, including principals couldn’t demystify this?”

I wish I saved it. Am I all alone?