Chief Justice Maraga made a judgement yesterday that was reminiscent of POINTIUS PILATE court in 33 A.D in JUDEA.

The Learned Chief Justice was brutally honest about not relying on the presented evidence. He said it was too much to pour through given the short time available .

Justice, Maraga made a ruling that was against the tenets and SCALES of JUSTICE. He was faced with similar circumstances as PONTIUS PILATE in the case of JESUS of NAZARETH.

The Sadducees and Pharisees had charges against Jesus Christ. The chief priest of the SANHEDRIN or Jerusalem Temple.

Chief Priest, CIAPHAS was The PLAINTIFF just like RAILA AMOLLO ODINGA and JESUS of NAZARETH was the FIRST respondent just like CHEBUKATI.

C. J MARAGA, made a Political decision as accused by Ahmednassir, just like Pontius Pilate. The Charges against JESUS was that he had declared himself the SON of GOD which was an offence according to the JEWISH law.

The ROMAN justice system (AUGUSTINIAN CONSTITUTION) found JESUS Christ NOT GUILTY and even offered CLEMENCY to one convicted criminal BARABAS or JESUS but the JEWS preferred to FORCE PONTIUS PILATE to offer JESUS son of JOSEPH for both Corporal and Capital Punishment by the ROMANS method of Murder. “Aphixiation by Hanging on the cross”

POINTIUS PILATE was avoiding an uprising by the Jews especially due to the PASSOVER holiday that was drawing near.

CIVIL UN-REST was a very serious offense that required a ROMAN GOVERNOR to be recalled from office. The judgement was thoroughly ERRONEOUS according to the LAW but it saved KING HEROD an uprising and civil unrest.

C.J Maraga must have been conscious that he was making a highly ERRONEUS RULING, he never considered the EVIDENCE but TOOK it upon himself to make a POLITICAL ruling. Ignoring EVIDENCE that STARED at him in the FACE.

God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to behold.

The ERRONEOUS Judgement may cost IEBC 10 Billion for another ELECTION but it might save the country CIVIL UN-REST and BILLIONS of shillings in putting down Street Protests and lost MAN HOURS.

The ERRONEOUS RULING by PILATE may have cost an INNOCENT life of JESUS son of MARY but it saved the WHOLE WORLD. What a Paradox of LIFE?

C.J MARAGAs ERRONEOUS Judgement may be a blessing in DISGUISE. it will give UHURU 5yrs of legitimate PEACEFUL RULE. With NO-ONE contesting his VICTORY.

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The fact that nobody was challenging the 1.4M gap or even the figures that were written on the few erroneous form 34A,and B clearly indicates that he will still win again.

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On point

Hii ni kali sana, thumbs up

Why was he afraid of calling for a recount?
This would have vindicated the IEBC of accusations of bungling with the vote. I mean, if someone has a majority of clean votes, doesn’t logic dictate that he’s the winner as per the Constitution?
And yet Maraga had the guts to entertain Barabas Jakuon…

Pita pande ile uchukue sisal rope and do the necessary…UOTP!

Accept and move on, tupatane kwa tepe!!!