The battle of Adwa. When Ethiopia crushed Italy. cc: Ras wildfrank

March 2014 marked 118 years of the historic victory of Ethiopian forces over an aspiring imperial power, Italy, soon after the shameful Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 that cut up Africa and divided its territory and resources. Pusch Commey takes us down memory lane.
The Battle of Adwa (29 February-1 March 1896) is of huge significance for Africa in that the decimation of the continent could not be completed. Ethiopia turned out to be the last man standing.
So thorough was the defeat of Italy by Ethiopia, that there were violent riots all over the country, and it resulted in Italy being forced to pay indemnities to Ethiopia and recognise its borders. It is thus not by chance that Ethiopia hosts the African Union headquarters, and serves as an inspiration to Africans all over the world on how to stand up to bullies.
It all began with the Treaty of Wuchale, a cooperative agreement between Ethiopia and Italy. But the devil was in the interpretation. Most significantly, Emperor Menelik II, who claims lineage from the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, had the good sense to have his own language version of the treaty, in Amharic.
In the Italian version, Rome claimed that Article 17 meant Ethiopia had relinquished its foreign policy to Italy and thus had become a protectorate. This was disputed by the Amharic version, which clearly stated that Italy and Ethiopia would cooperate on foreign affairs.
Italy then used this as a casus belli to wage war on Ethiopia, which responded ferociously. In a landmark speech made to the nation, Emperor Menelik II made this declaration:
“Enemies have now come upon us to ruin our country and to change our religion. Our enemies have begun the affair by advancing and digging into the country like moles. With the help of God, I will not deliver my country to them. Today, you who are strong, give me your strength, and you who are weak, help me by prayer”.
Of equal significance is the role played by Menelik’s wife, the Empress Taytu Betul, who stood firmly by her husband by telling the Italian envoy, Antonelli:
“We have also made it known to the powers that the said article, as it is written in our language, has another meaning. Like you, we also ought to respect our dignity. You wish Ethiopia to be represented before the other powers as your protectorate, but this shall never be.”
What can be achieved by a Africa United was demonstrated by the Battle of Adwa. Ethiopia as a country was divided, as many ethnic groupings swore allegiance to their own chiefs (or Ras). When things came to a head, Emperor Menelik was able to convince all of them to put aside their differences and contribute 100,000 troops to face down the invaders. Prominent amongst them was Ras Mikael of Wollo, Ras Sibhat of Tigray, Ras Wale of Yejju Oromo, and Ras Gebeyehu, who died fighting at Adwa. Empress Betul was the commander of a cavalry.
Italy was completely humiliated. The Italians made many tactical errors in the mountains of Adwa, against a determined and valiant Ethiopian force. A key moment in the battle came when Brigadier Dabormida, the Italian commander, under siege from Ethiopian artillery, decided to withdraw.
Dabormida’s brigade had moved to support Brigadier Albertone but was unable to reach him in time. Cut off from the remainder of the Italian army, Dabormida began to fight while retreating towards friendly positions.
However, he inadvertently marched his command into a narrow valley where the Oromo cavalry, under Ras Mikael, slaughtered the brigade, shouting Ebalgume! Ebalgume! (“Reap! Reap!”)
Dabormida’s remains were never found, although his brother learned from an old woman living in the area that she had given water to a mortally wounded Italian officer, “a chief, a great man with spectacles and a watch, and golden stars”.
The remaining two brigades under a Baratieri were outflanked and destroyed piecemeal on the slopes of Mount Belah. Menelik watched as Gojjam forces under the command of Tekle Haymonot made quick work of the last intact Italian brigade. By noon, the survivors of the Italian army were in full retreat and the battle was over.
Italian defeat
The Italians suffered about 7,000 killed and 1,500 wounded in the battle and subsequent retreat back into Eritrea, with 3,000 taken prisoner; Ethiopian losses have been estimated around 4-5,000
killed and 8,000 wounded.

In their flight to Eritrea, the Italians left behind all of their artillery and 11,000 rifles, as well as most of their transport.As the historian Paul B. Henze notes: “Baratieri’s army had been completely routed while Menelik’s was intact as a fighting force and gained thousands of rifles, pistols and a great deal of equipment from the fleeing Italians.”
Public opinion in Italy was outraged.The historian Chris Prouty offers a panoramic overview of the response in Italy to the news:
“When news of the calamity reached Italy, there were street demonstrations in most major cities. In Rome, to prevent these violent protests, the universities and theatres were closed. Police were called out to disperse rock-throwers in front of Prime Minister Crispi’s residence. Crispi resigned on 9 March. Troops were called out to quell demonstrations in Naples.
“In Pavia, crowds built barricades on the railroad tracks to prevent a troop train from leaving the station. The Association of Women of Rome, Turin, Milan and Pavia called for the return of all military forces in Africa. Funeral masses were intoned for the known and unknown dead.
“Families began sending to the newspapers letters they had received before Adwa in which their menfolk described their poor living conditions and their fears at the size of the army they were going to face. King Umberto declared his birthday (14 March) a day of mourning. Italian communities in St. Petersburg, London, New York, Chicago, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem collected money for the families of the dead and for the Italian Red Cross”.
Forty years later, in 1935, still stung by this ignominious defeat, Italy’s fascist leader Mussolini, who was aligned with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, took advantage of the advent of the Second World War to invade Ethiopia, complete with chemical weapons, bombs, tanks, and aircraft.
Italy threw in 595 aircraft to Ethiopia’s 3, as well as 795 tanks to 3. They occupied Ethiopia for five years, and were again flushed out by Emperor Haile Selassie with the help of Allied forces, in the main the British army.
The prominent African-American historian, Professor Molefi Asante, opines on the significance of Adwa: “After the victory over Italy in 1896, Ethiopia acquired a special importance in the eyes of Africans as the only surviving African state. After Adwa, Ethiopia became emblematic of African valour and resistance, the bastion of prestige and hope to thousands of Africans who were experiencing the full shock of European conquest and were beginning to search for an answer to the myth of African inferiority.”


Empress Taytu Betul: the Great Ethiopian Empress who Said ‘NO’ to Colonization
Meneliks wife


I am above the earth, and I am at the ends of the world, and I am Master of everything. I am in the air, My place of abode, and I am above the chariot of the Cherubim, and I am praised everlastingly by all the angels and by holy men. And I am above the heights of heaven, and I fill everything. I am above the Seven Heavens. I see everything, and I test everything, and there is nothing that is hidden from Me. I am in every place, and there is no other god besides Me, neither in the heaven above nor in the earth beneath; there is none like unto Me, saith God; My hand hath laid the foundation of the earth, and My right hand hath made strong the heavens; I and My Son and the Holy Spirit.
Jah People came up out of Africa, out of Ethiopia and Egypt, and did settle in Palestine around Jerusalem, and along the Brook of Kanah, the River of the Tree of Life, which meanders from the Great Sea unto the Hills of Ephraim, and some settled as far north as Nazareth and even by the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Others of Judah, and even some of Israel, stayed along the Nile, at Hermes, at Thebes, at Alexandria; the Children of Light took refuge in the hills of Ethiopia and the hills of Judah.
Abraham turned his face to the East, and he stretched out his hands and said, “Be Thou my God, O Lord, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Creator of the sun and the moon, Creator of the sea and the dry land, Maker of the majesty of the heavens and the earth, and of that which is visible and that which is invisible; O Maker of the universe, be Thou my God. I place my trust in Thee, and from this day forth I will place my trust in no other save Thyself.” And then there appeared unto him a chariot of fire which blazed, and Abrahama was afraid and fell on his face on the ground; and [God] said unto him, “Fear thou not, stand upright.”And He removed fear from him.
Blessed is the name of Our Lord God Jah Ras Tafari, and Blessed is he who comes in the name of Jah, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellassie I. May His name and His glory be Blessed.
Behold ZION, behold salvation, behold the one who rejoiceth, behold the splendour like the sun, behold the one adorned with praise, behold the one who is decorated like a bride, not with the apparel of fleeting glory, but the one who is decorated with the glory and praise which are from God, whom it is meet that men and women shall look upon with desire and shall not forsake; whom ye shall desire above all things and shall not reject; whom all shall love willingly and shall not hate; whom everyone shall approach willingly and shall not keep afar off.
We have written to you so that you might understand the book of Moses, the books of the Prophets, and David and Sol-Amun and all the generations. It is written: When all these things happen to you in the Last Days, the blessing and the curse, you call them to mind and return to Him with all your heart and with all your Soul. Love one another at the end of the age, then you shall live Forever.
Ezra took the scripture of the north, Israel, intertwined and bolted it together with Holy Word from the south, Judah, and the Torah was born. Upon his return to Jerusalem, he read from seven in the morning until noon, and the Chosen People were both astonished and thankful.
This ignorance of the Father brought about terror and fear. And terror became dense like a fog, that no one was able to see. Because of this, error became strong. But it worked on its hylic substance vainly, because it did not know the truth. It was in a fashioned form while it was preparing, in power and in beauty, the equivalent of truth. This then, was not a humiliation for him, that illimitable, inconceivable one. For they were as nothing, this terror and this forgetfulness and this figure of falsehood, whereas this established truth is unchanging, unperturbed and completely beautiful.
For this reason, do not take error too seriously. Thus, since it had no root, it was in a fog as regards the Father, engaged in preparing works and forgetfulnesses and fears in order, by these means, to beguile those of the middle and to make them captive. The forgetfulness of error was not revealed. It did not become light beside the Father. Forgetfulness did not exist with the Father, although it existed because of him. What exists in him is knowledge, which was revealed so that forgetfulness might be destroyed and that they might know the Father, Since forgetfulness existed because they did not know the Father, if they then come to know the Father, from that moment on forgetfulness will cease to exist.
Blessed is the name of Our Lord God Jah Ras Tafari
Blessed is he who comes in the name of Jah
May His name and His glory be Blessed
Give Thanks for all things that push us forward in life, Blessings
Give Thanks for Health, Strength and Daily food, Blessings
Give Thanks for the opportunity to partake in the Divinity of Life, Blessings
Give Thanks for Great Minds and Great Sacrifice, Bless
Give Thanks for all the small, big and unforeseen gifts that the Universe provides for us
Life is a gift… share it well…
I Give Thanks for the breath I have in this moment to Give Thanks …
Oh God Above Us, Jah RasTafari Selassie I
At the dawn of the New Day when the birds are singing
Let Your grace shower Our awakening dream
As I begin my day, stay with me from start to finish
May your love never leave Us
I N I thank you, and Love You.
IN I believe in a Supreme Being, and in Jah Chosen People. We know that Our Works and Our Life are crucial, and through Love can each be made Divine. For by the power of the Creator there is brought forth Music, and the people rejoice, and they Dance.
By the power of Melchizedek
Dominion on Earth shall pass from Belial
To the Righteous Sons of Light
Congegration of the Sons of Righteousness,
Heed the message of Jah Ras Tafari, His Majesty
Emperor Haile Sellassie I, Defender of Unity,
Of Jeshua and Man
Ethiopians, Judeans and Palestinians
You share DNA that is absent from others
Ye are the people of the God of History
With great power comes great responsibility
Jah traced out a city
In Kish, the Holy Seven
Laid out the Foundations
A city they established
A fine dwelling place
But a Shepherd they withheld
Etana Jacob Jeshua
Jah Chosen Thirteenth
He who ascended to Heaven
Who consolidated all the lands
Holy Tafari stands forever,
As a testament to Jeshua
A living, breathing, healing
Life-Giving celebration of Christ
Return to me with all your heart and soul,
Obey the words of Jeshua of Nazareth
Fulfiller of the Law
I will deliver ye
From the power of enemies
Redeem ye from being ground under foot
By those who despise you
I will bring Thee
To the land of your fathers
Ye shall be redeemed
and ye shall multiply
I rejoice over Thee
Good Rasta people
I am Jah;
Ye are MY people
Illuminate My words in your works
I was tortured and nailed to a cross
Beaten, strangled and thrown in the ground
Rose again and again in the souls of men
Baptize by water, anoint by fire
ALL chosen Israelites
are anointed by Fire
In those days Solomon was King in Jerusalem, and Makeda was Queen in Ethiopia. Unto both of them were given wisdom, and glory, and riches, and graciousness, and understanding, andeloquence of speech, and intelligence. Gold and silver were held as cheaply as brass, and rich stuffs wherein gold was woven were as common as linen garments, and the cattle and the horses were innumerable.
The Queen of the South shall rise up on the Day of Judgment and shall dispute with, and condemn, and overcome this generation who would not hearken unto the preaching of My word, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Sol-Amen:
I saw many visions in a dream, and it seemed as if a sun had risen upon ISRAEL, but it snatched itself away and flew off and lighted up the country of ETHIOPIA; peradventure that country shall be blessed through thee; God knoweth. And as for thee, observe what I have told thee, so that thou mayest worship God with all thy heart and perform His Will. For He punisheth those who are arrogant, and He showeth compassion upon those who are humble, and He removeth the thrones of the mighty, and He maketh to be honoured those who are needy.
Ethiopia, the Goddess of Africa, the Caribbean and Amharica, is My Kaneh, My Music, My Heart, Soul and Desire, My Jah; for it is through Her Love of Christ that the world will find Holy Salvation. The Church of Haile Sellassie and the Cathedral of Robert Nesta Marley is Africa, and the Height of Africa is Itopia, Praise Her!!!
Let Jah name be praised, and let worry be gone
Jah will guide us through bad and good times
Praise to the Most High, Jah Rastafarai
O Most High Heavenly Jah, please bless those who are still blind
Those on the verge of knowing you and those who want to know you more Thank you for your Word which comes in many different forms to us earthly people
I thank you Jah for my everyday life
Blessed be my family, enemies and friends
May all the souls of the good departed Rest In Peace
Jah Bless
Our Father who is in the highest mountain of Zion
The bread that we need everyday bring it to us today
For you are the father of peace love and harmony
Bring unity among Jah people
Prevent any evil men from controlling Our destiny
Praise in the name of Jah Ras Tafari

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This is the kind of history our kids should be learning in school si mambo ya wazungu


Do you think mzungu is happy admitting he was ass whipped by a ‘primitive’ African?
Thats why Musolini came back for revenge and was soundly whipped again by Ras Tafari Selassie. I bet the Italians are still smarting from the two defeats.


This is a good read to start off the day.

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There should be a movie about this.

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But it shouldn’t be done in Hollywood


She looks like our Mumbi of the nys fame.

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but Ras Tafari ran away and left his country when the second invasion took place

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many a great ruler have led great battles while in exile

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Mrs Mwaniki, our GHC teacher in Standard 6, described the battle of Adowa with such graphic detail mpaka I believe I fought in that Battle!

Her narrations were the reason I loved History.

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