There's NOT A Single Independent Country In Africa

None. Not even the Northern African Arab ran countries. Africa will only progress after a great war ruins Europe and North America. When the masses take refuge here on the motherland to escape radioactive fallout in their native wastelands they will then mine and refine ores here in Africa. This will happen in he next 50 to 75 years from now, in the 2080s.

Until then just know we are just free on paper.

so after the masses take refuge in Africa and start mining and refining ores , we will then gain real independence ?
is that what you’re saying ?

Partial independence. Then the negro will acquire the skills to convert raw materials to finished product. Africans will not need to export raw coffee to Europe at $1 /kg only to import it back at $9 /kg. Same with cocoa and countless other items.

Australia would be poorer than Malawi had it been still under Aboriginal rule today. Omusungu is frankly a good manager although he has alot of other shortcomings.

why did the negro not learn and acquire the said skills during his colonization by the same westerners ?

I think that your point is very unfair. Colonialism was a system of oppression they weren’t too keen on the indigenous Africans acquiring any meaningful skills that would leave them capable of sustaining themselves in a modern global economy.

Ignore ndindu at best, works magic huyu jamaa na predictions za ujinga one&the same.Nuclear bombs are a deterrence no one wants a nuclear fallout. Otherwise the world as we know it might end.

Dont talk nonsense… There are… All english speaking nations are independent, if they are not its because they choose to. Look in East Africa… Kenya continue to be a british colony decades after independence while Tanzania behave like an independent nation. Thats why western media is more anti-magufuli, because he doesn’t answer to anyone and put Tanzania first and the west can see this. You also have Tanzanians who uphold Swahili above which is a behaviour of independent people. Compare that to Kenya which houses british troops and has a president who is sending flowers to nurses in U.K…
