This is Guka - Makosa Imefanyika.....................

For a guy with an IQ of 148 - meaning that I am on the top 0.2% of the global intelligent, Mensa and shit - you would think that I would know better.

But intelligence goes with reckless risk-taking. And I am sorry to say that is my Achilles heel.

Anyway, she’s married, 27, buxom and has the best-tasting pussy I have ever eaten. As hairy as I love them. I am 69 so I have eaten quite a number and I should know. Don’t ask.

I really am embarrassed to say it, but I am hooked. Ferking bitch has bewitched me. And I love it.

Now, I know my frailities. If the nigga that paid the dowry knows that I am eating her out (I just hope the saltiness is not his cum!) then I am going to be a very dead ferking octogenarian pretty soon. And yet, she get’s so wet I can’t stop. Old men have a way of doing things to young pretty things, you know, and she tells me he doesn’t hack it.

Now, I am not writing this because I need your advice. I don’t. I am just a bit high and I am thinking about the best sex I’ve had for the last 20 years. It could have me killed, yes, I know. But I also carry a Beretta with 16 bullets so if push came to shove it could go either way.

What I am saying here is, bibi ya wenyewe wachana naye, that’s the village wisdom. But huyu siachaani, kufa kupona.

Mkiniona kwa gazeti don’t worry. All of us will be dead by 2080 anyway.

Kwani ukiwa 69 unangoja nini ingine?

All will be well…it was just a bad dream…kunywa thafai ,mwarobaine,moringa,molasses na igata …vaa mboshori then ulale…ooooh na utoe dentures uweke kwa maji

Somebody told me that when you’re 69 years there is no point of using a condom. The logic: Why use a condom when you can die of a heart attack at any moment? You can be cumming be when you’re going! :D:D:D:D:D

How you find delight licking a hole where another man cums daily is beyond be. Anyway, you have nothing to lose at 69. What 's the worst that can happen…battery ya pacemaker kuisha :smiley: :smiley:

Mzee unasumbua kijiji

I’m embarrassed on your behalf.
Mtu mzima unaketi usiku wa manane kuandika ujinga namna hii ?

Wow !

Mzee, hit and lick that pussy! You only live once

Also, your age is appropriately symbolic as to the kind of sexual activity that you are pertaking :smiley:

Stupid old man. You should be oozing wisdom at your age but you are just misleading kids young enough to be your grandchildren.

@FieldMarshal CouchP have just put down ya eulogy?
Something tells me you want that kind of notoriety in all ya top 0.002% Mensa shiet!

With that IQ your engagement is worrying

They don’t make them hairy no More! Nowadays they shave their shit clean

Ata paka mzee ukunywa maziwa.

Reminds me of the Dirty Titties of Ruthimiti…atlease these ones are not dirty. Just hairy.

Lamba kuma kabisa kwani iko nini

@FieldMarshal CouchP, you are my hero. Macho ya chura has never stopped a cow from drinking water.

Beretta and old fingers is a recipe for disaster.

mmmmh no! going oral knowing she is having sex with someone else. You are gay guka, you have just said it

Not unless he got himself a dose of Parkinson’s…