Tip, SGR

Usikose SGR tickets.
Most of the time, ukijaribu booking online for the Nairobi to Mombasa trip, or vice versa, yaani Terminal to Terminal, it is highly likely that you will find the train fully booked. If that’s the case, then don’t give up on your trip just yet! Try booking the morning train. Try searching for one of the other stations along the way and double book! For instance, you book for Nairobi to Voi, or Nairobi to Mtito. Then book the same train for Mtito to Mombasa. Or Voi to Mombasa, whatever the case. From Nairobi, you occupy the seat that you have been allocated. Then you vacate it at the other station and you go to the coach and seat indicated on the second ticket.

Kutoka hapo, witeithie miitu ya kwanyu, since the ticket should be scanned before boarding! But for certain, they can’t throw you out of a speeding train, can they?

Interesting. Tried and tested?

Lol, we fly to Mombasa.

Peasant things

Niaje Soprano

Tuoshe mecho…wewe jike hili uko na kinyee sana
