Treadmill = big calves and thighs?

Hi everyone! Do you think that running/walking on a treadmill will lead to big calves and thighs? My fat stores in my tummy and thighs (I’m pear shaped) and I need to tone my calves and thighs, not get them bigger. Does incline make them bigger? Running Vs Walking? I’m scared that too much treadmill will actually make my legs thicker and not thiner. What’s your thoughts?


Running on treadmill leads to large, flat, flipper-like feet. It’s the number one reason why treadmill users can’t drown.

Ingia room 254 ukutane na conso @Atwoli. Your prognosis is ready

@Kimakia chunisha huyu sukuma

It’s good to see that you are willing to do something about your situation. The thing though is, when it comes to losing weight, you can’t target certain parts of the body and say I wanna lose here and not there.
Are you Male or female, if you’re Male, it will help if you get some blood work done to determine your estrogen vs testosterone levels.
High estrogen levels in men result in high hips and other feminine qualities

Running on a treadmill makes gravity pull your stomach down making it sag below your waistline.

Huyu naye ni nani…na udigithie ngoma fuunda

Female. He has mentioned and described a body shape only associated with females.

I use a Nautilus treadmill all the time… Before buying i found a good review about Nautilus
I’ve never had a problem with my calf muscles getting bigger. I too was worried about that, as I’ve always had big calf muscles due to a lot of sports and running when I was younger. So didn’t want them to be HUGE… I haven’t noticed them changing at all. I do half an hour of incline and half an hour of flat surface… Hope that helps!