Trump - "If we would have taken the oil, you wouldn’t have ISIS"

At a Commander in Chief Forum organised by NBC, presidential hopefuls Trump and Clinton were fielded questions by war veterans. Matt Lauer was the host.

Trump fared worse. The real-estate mogul slouched in his chair, twisted and babbled through Lauer’s kid-glove questions. Both Clinton and Trump took cheap shots at each other, despite telling Lauer they’d hold off, but Trump also dumped on Obama every chance he got.

“It has absolutely been a disastrous war,” Trump said when asked about the U.S. invasion of Iraq. “And by the way, perhaps almost as bad, was the way in which Obama got out.”

Then, in a confusing rant, Trump claimed that “under Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble.” Showing how deeply he misunderstands the military, he promised he’d get better generals.

A canny Iraq war veteran stood and asked Trump what he’d do after he defeats the Islamic State, and the answer was both enlightening and frustrating. “Part of the problem that we’ve had is that we go in, we defeat somebody and we don’t know what we’re doing after that,” Trump said.

Which is true. The idiot savant of American politics stumbled into the greatest problem of America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — the U.S. government achieved two military victories, but shattered these countries in the process. America failed at reconstruction in ways we’re only beginning to understand.

Trump then blamed Obama for the Islamic State and advocated imperial, blood-and-treasure foreign policy as a solution for Islamic extremism. “Take the oil,” he said. “If we would have taken the oil, you wouldn’t have ISIS.

“How are we going to take the oil,” a bewildered Lauer asked. “How are we going to do that?”

Trump didn’t have a clear answer. “It used to be that to the victor belonged the spoils,” he said after rambling about the beauty of Iraq’s oil. “I always said take the oil. One of the benefits we would have had if we had taken the oil is ISIS wouldn’t have had the oil to fuel themselves.”

Trump crafts tautology into digestible pop art. It’d be impressive to watch if he weren’t trying to become the most powerful person on the planet.

Trump went on to claim that the people briefing him on national security matters obviously disliked Obama, based on their body language, and he further lauded Russian potentate Vladimir Putin.

source: War is Boring

I had a chat with a friend of mine who is in America yesterday and he said wanapigia Hillary kuraa.

Obama’s greatest failure is ISIS. He will be remembered for his inaction during the rise of ISIS

This was one hilarious response I couldn’t believe him saying it live on TV ati take the oil. On rape cases in the military he said its as a result of keeping women together with men… he is a one funny guy but flopping big time now

He is leading in polls

I am rooting fo Trump! I hope he wins.
He’s more for domestic policy rather than lording the world with the foreign policy. He’s willing to work with Russia, Iran…and this might lead to a safer world.

Hebu explain his domestic policies kidogo.

He once called them the JV team. Clueless, most traitorous president ever. Alafu Clinton had an earpiece during the debate, which again proves the point that she’s unable to think on her feet and must be fed answers by her handlers.
I support Trump because he’s a nationalist who will not bend over for the globalists. A country without borders cannot be a sovereign state.

last time I checked he was down by 2 points


Why is this guy talking of what they should have done instead of what he’s going to do? The oil is still there, as is ISIS. Is he going to do a total exit and leave ISIS fueling themselves? He’s answering questions as though his opponent is Obama and his greatest challenge the past that he cannot change.

Fewer immigrants
Job creation through domestic production
Higher taxes for the rich

When was the last time you checked?

  1. You must have missed the groveling Mexico visit.
  2. Trump is China’s biggest customer. Even for a simple necktie.
  3. The man who refuses to reveal his own tax returns, with lame excuses?

Trump is the POTUS of ignorant simpletons.

Ignorant simpletons
As a Kenyan why is it any of your business if he declares his taxes or whether his tie is made in China?

Check gains in the last few days…

@ nattydread Obama’s foreign policy has failed miserably
[li]he created and armed ISIS[/li][li]created the immigration crisis[/li][li]destroyed Libya, Yemen and Syria[/li][/ol]
Domestically what has he done for marginalized communities?

trump is nothing but another psyop to dupe people into voting Hillary…

It depends on whose polls you are looking at!


Trump is double faced cheat, the worst kind of a scavenger, you can tell from his remark “take the oil” once elected he would be all over the world taking what he feels he is entitled to.