ule boy Brock Lesnar is back (WWE)<--ndio natambua wreso ni fake bt

But iko entertaining…Baba yao Brok amerudi mtaa…WWE Raw ya monday mzee mkubwa Brok alirudi mtaa. Kale ka Seth rollings kalikuja kuringia crowd ati yy ni mambo mbaya after kuchapa ule chizi…aitwaje tena …Ya Dean Ambrose. <…sii hii makei huwa chizi.----lakini wachha tu wait 2wks to go Brock vs Seth.my predictions…Brock atachapa Rollins alafu ule chizi wa Mo hawk mwenye alishinda M.I.B ata cash in…alafu akue winner


script inasema brock ashindwe.
this is sports entertainment.
vince has to keep the crowd coming back for more.
na the american dream Dusty Rhodes alidedi juzi.